Sick and tired of Premades in Epic BGs

Nice idea~! :heart:

Velviita has a similar idea here as well, and something truely amazing will spark from the collective effort!

I would love this so much!

Despite what I said above about Blizz and the problem with the game design, I still believe they most likely are doing their best to help, Eg. securing resources to make changes (this is hard, believe me). My dev friends assured me that absolutely no developer would love to deliver a bad user experience, and every negative feedback brings endless pain and torment. And this torture worsens whenever their plea for improvements gets rejected by management.

I would like to say, that if any Blizz dev is reading this: Let us Player know, and communicate with us. Tell us about the challenges and your considerations, and let’s find a workable solution together.

I hate the subscription model for many reasons, but if Blizz would engage players in discussion to make this situation better, I will sub to show support!