May I ask why there is so little CM communication anymore?

How about replying to the feedback for 8.2 and answering questions asked:

Even worse no replies to bugs:

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Yeah, we actually had more with that guy they fired (er, “laid off”, or something.)

Them some new person posted, once or twice, right after that. I can’t even remember who that was, since I’ve never seen them again.

I’d like communication like:

“No - in spite of more datamined stuff, Vulpera is not going to be an allied race.”

Sometimes I think they let the rampant speculation go, because people might stay subbed in anticipation of things which are not going to happen.

Because Activision is too busy firing everyone, haven’t you read any news articles?

Company morale is down. They’re likely doing a “restructure” aka fire as many people as they can to boost profits, only to realize they need to re-hire people afterwards.

Long story short: They fired 90% of them.

Google “ythisens”.

Blizz made this petri dish of a forum. They need to manage it a bit better. Troll flagged posts that are automatically taken down and never reviewed are not helping this.

Again, they got rid of a lot of the CMs and forum support people. And now the forums are so much worse than they were.


Now that we have a CM willing to hear us … I have nothing to ask.

I just wanted to know I would be heard.

Thank you.

The last couple blue posts i’ve seen had all been snarky and condescending toward their customers. my guess is they’ve been leashed.

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It’s been like this since GC left.

The few CMs who actually came here to talk to us were run off, either by players or by a layoff.

How many times would you come back if every time you said “Hey!” you were either yelled at for not saying something important or for giving information someone didn’t like?

Being a Blizz (or any game company forum CM, for that matter) CM has to be the worst job ever.

It’s sad when the forums becomes a social experiment .I don’t believe it should be that way.CM’s are people too,and yeah,they did seem snarky but we all are at times. Sometime we get so passionate we blur our vision of others of their expressions it gets so tangled up and the words come out not what was meant .

Are you asking them to reply to every person that makes a bug post? Not sure what you mean there.

Not necessarily every person but they should post updates. A couple times a week post what is going on and address major concerns that have come up. That is what Community Managers are for. They aren’t developing the software. They are supposed to be managing the community and providing information.

The “Not a Bug” topic for Classic is a good example of feedback. Need more of that on a regular basis.

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cus every time they try talking to people forum dwellers freak out on them and everything they say so thats my guess lol

There isn’t useful communication on a regular basis. No.

So useful communication is centered around what?

Constant bug report updates? Something a CM can’t control.

Addressing major concerns? How? CMs can’t do anything about those major concerns other than pass the information off to the devs. Are you asking for rubber stamping replies “Ok, passing information along”? If we don’t believe they are already doing that, then we aren’t going to believe it just because they post that on every bug report/feedback post.

The general consensus seems to be that people think a CM is much more than just a forum jockey with the email address of the devs (when it comes to the forums). That they can actually call the shots, tell the devs what to do, etc.

They can’t force updates from the devs. They can’t tell the devs what to work on. They can’t give many answers to the questions people ask.

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It’s obvious lore, bornaak, and kaivax dont care about the customer part of CM.

I don’t know if they were ever trained in PR,but I would suggest they do take a course on it.But from what I learned from my dealing it is no different even if the did but it would help in their presentation.

I specifically said “UPDATES”… Not sure why that is hard to understand. PTR is supposed to be for bug testing. IF we don’t get responses to our BUG Testing, how do we even know it is being passed on? Without feedback from the company PTR and BETA are worthless processes.

Hey everyone, we have received your reports on issue a, b, c, d, e, f. This is the status of those items.

a - we’re looking at this.
b - Please reinstall the client if you can’t access the PTR.
c- New quests can cause problems with modified quest chains. Please copy over your character again.

This is what we’re focusing on this week: stuff here.

2 or 3 hours a week. THat is all it would take. They aren’t telling the Devs what to work on. They are providing updates to us about what the Devs are working on. Oh well. It is a lost cause. They have been working on “Improving Communication” for three years now and it just gets worse every single month.


Because they fired…sorry “let go” of our Ox. The two (I think it’s two?) CMs we have now have little to no presence here at all.

My honest opinion? It was an idiotic move getting rid of the last CMs we had and all it did was contribute to the already amassing pile of idiotic decisions.

Honestly if there was more communication there would be less picking apart. The less they communicate the more people try to read into what’s said because the communication is so sparse. But I do see both sides, there is a massive danger in over revealing things.