MAX ILevel limit in random bgs

BFA was vastly better for gearing than SL and we had far more PvP gear options. They literally removed the Aspirant PvP gear. There is no stat options at the vendors. Where is the haste/mastery or crit/mastery PvP gear? Oh right it’s gone now we got to do PvE for PvP gear.

Furthermore we had PvP chest and PvE chest to gear, Visions gave BiS gear and gear dropped randomly from PvP which you could upgrade. You could also Conquest cap in PvP islands!!

It was easy to get geared in BFA compared to now. Heck the PvP vendors hardly has any gear I even want which is why I quit Retail.

Actually miss 8.3 now because of how bad SL is. They really need to fix stat options bring back the PvP gear they removed and give the players choices again and let the gear rain down again.

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talk about narcissism

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There’s a template on the 51-59 bracket, now I don’t know if there’s more players in it or if they simply leveling their toons but queue time is shorter and I rarely saw toxicity on the instance chat.
I always level up my Holy-Priest on BGs and playing experience downgrades as soon as I reach max level.
In the same time, WoW (or any other MMOs) aren’t meant for fair competition regarding PVP, this is not a game with which I can say “time to rock” when I queue up for a PVP instance, what I have in mind is more likely “time to grind”.

A solution for OP would be to stick with the 51-59 bracket, tuning is great, there’s a small to no power progression and everybody is green/blue geared.
Honestly if my goal was to mainly doing PVP, WoW wouldn’t be on my list, back in the PVP templates maybe.

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If you think being unwilling to continue to pay for a product that has been altered to no longer bring you satisfaction is considered narcissism, all I know to tell you is to go find a dictionary.

Yet here you are posting on the forums of the game you no longer find interesting or satisfying.


As I said before…

I would very much like to see these poor choices reverted because at its core, WoW truly is a great game. So for the duration of this 1 month gold depletion, I will offer my opinion on the off-chance that it might reach those who have been appointed to positions able to implement change.

I would much rather not see what has been a titan of modern gaming that I have enjoyed for almost 2 decades driven into the ground by excessive greed and sleezy monetary tactics derived from throwaway mobile games. At the very least I can say I tried. But if that’s the route they insist on taking, so be it. There are a plethora of games out there that I have yet to play.

Isn’t even that bad but ok. Feel free to wait till Dragonflight or you can just backpedal to 1400.

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People like you are the reason this games dead.

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Textbook projection but ok.

Eh for casual PvP BFA wasn’t really that bad. Scaling was whack and I don’t want it back but I did enjoy alts way more in BFA. SL is only better in the case of mains who can climb to duelist or rival2.

I dunno man… Isn’t the arena pop at an all time low? I thought I saw something about Eu playing in na just to get games.

Sounds like you just need to chill dude. DF has already been talked about. Gearing is changing back to how it was. I’m sure the gear gap will still be ridiculous for a fresh toon but it won’t be rating locked anymore. As much as I hate to say it just go play something else until then.

Oh I am the reason this game is dead? Ok buddy. Classic response from an elitist a hole.

Well you implied I was elitist (I’m not) then outright say it, so yeah, projection.

projection has nothing to do with it. I just call it how I see it. Elitist A hole.

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It does. You just aren’t very perceptive

That is the problem, the fact that you DON"T want to convince others to take you. As a BM hunter I have to do that. I don’t like that you have to get rating for better gear but it is what it is, and rather than complain or say elitist are keeping me down, I do something about it. We either adapt or play something else.

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How often do you think you will face a glad player?

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That about sums it all up right there. Roll with it or don’t.

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It’s kind or rare on the forum :wink:

I agree with Photofervor, I’ve played like forever, like my wow VPN number thing battery died, the GM I talked to said I was one of the few he has seen that happen too. I’m here to have fun not go back to college and try and get a masters degree again.

Over time wow is losing me for good, I understand I have seen the actual numbers the game produces in revenue its very addictive for companies to make a billion plus a year.

As long as they are playing we are ok attitude developers.

I will miss the friends here but its not enough to keep me playing.

if you are talking about the authenticator token, its because most people moved on to app based programs years ago. that device is to keep people from stealing your account by hacking blizzard, stealing the password list and logging in remotely with your password.