MAX ILevel limit in random bgs

Should we tell you… “No arenas until you get better gear?” LOL. No… b/c it makes no sense.

Dont know if your character is an alt, but if you put the work into one character, you can build that toon up and destroy ppl in randoms too.

Love it when I read “it’s a you problem”. We’re talking about a collectivity here, a very large group of WOW players, and you casually ignore them all. → It’s a “you” problem. No wonder often times situations get extremely toxic. How does a guild progress ? Easy. Money for gold. Gold for best gear, enchants, gems, potions, bombs etc… And so on. You’re in random bgs to upgrade your conquest gear or your friends, or simply to enjoy beating up on lower levels, simply. As it stands, “you” is an “US” problem.

For those of you that haven’t been playing as long. Blizzard does not care what you think. You are not in the top 5% of players. They consider you pocket change.

249 ilvl is extremely low

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Believe that the ilvl shouldn’t exceed what is acquirable with honor / conquest points. Rated gear should only scale up higher than that cap when in rated content. That’s it. World PvP and un-rated content then stays even fielded.

It doesn’t take long to gear up however with just honor. From start of season I was already in 268 gear having been honor capped many many times since, and with some consistent running of solo-shuffle and epic BG’s conquest gear has come fairly quick.

The games balance being heavily reliant on ilvl, rated content shouldn’t be a requirement to be able to contend. “The Best Players” aren’t the best players when the ilvl is doing a majority of the work for them.

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I know what the token was used for, and all that… 40’s year in the computer industry and still going…

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Agree with what you are saying!!!

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