Maw quest - Blazing Ingots quest

What was the point of changing it from shared spawn? What was the point of making already tedious WQ’s take even longer to do and create aggravation in the process? Are you trying to put people off playing? Because I’m about a bee’s dick away from cancelling my sub right now…

Btw, not an idle tantrum threat. It’s been working towards last straw status since this diabolically bad xpac dropped.


Because it wasn’t taking players long enough to complete the quest. Don’t ever think it’s about fun, it’s about carefully crafting an environment that keeps us paying.

Yep i was wondering what happened.

Maybe wait until the hotfix actually goes live? Just a thought.

Kaivax knew what they signed up for.

Devs are also driving the same toxicity they are trying to avoid.

Communicate via a one way platform?? Sounds super effective.

I’m done in the maw. Tell me one reason I need to go down there


I just did the blazing ingot quest about an hour ago and had no issue whatsoever clicking on them right after other players clicked on it.

I did it earlier on another character 7-8 hours ago and didn’t have any problems either so I don’t know what the issue is tbh.

Why bother you still create animosity in a game where you allow others to NOT work together to complete tasks. It’s toxic game design.

There should have been ZERO need to hotfix it if someone anyone had thought it through, at this point you are trolling your paying subscribers, we’ll see how long that works for your bottom line.


That really sounds how Blizzard works now days, doesn’t it?


Especially since Legion when Ion took over .

(I still think he had more to do with Legion then Tom Chilton did.)

Wowiee are you looking for a job? Blizz might be hiring since apparently the geniuses there couldn’t figure this out despite being payed millions if not billions a year to keep this garbage heap of a game alive…

What happened to you blizzard…

Fortunately they managed to walk away with the cash, it’s only investors who will get burned when folks sicken of the game to the point of bankruptcy.

You got to pity the blue here having to post the info with no say at all about the issue itself.

Funny how the “bug” fix didn’t simply revert the quest items to be as they were before the “bug” happened. You know, like they had been for months prior.


This isn’t exactly a recent thing either.

I have been avoiding that quest since 2 weeks ago that crap started.
Or the forges will just not work and I have to wal a mile for a different one that won’t work either.

I highly doubt it, that tech has been used a long time now. Nowhere was it stated the reason for this change but it’s clear they think, ‘‘let’s overdevelop a non issue cause it’ll give more RP flavor’’ or is how I see that thought going in their head. I do believe their servers need to be checked out, they seem to have lots of issue in that department this expansion.

These are small changes to slow you down.

If Blizz wants people in the maw for the foreseeable future, you’d think they would try to make things less cumbersome and more fun to dive into.

Just so you know, it was better when everyone could loot it, instead of making me hate all the other players in the game.


Yea, and it seems that they don’t do it very often. But they have been like this for a long time. I remember the old forums back when Diablo 2 was still a new game were a circus. They just seem to almost thrive on conflict.

This is true also, but it doesn’t excuse the way some people act towards them. But they could handle this stuff better. Also it seems that there are people that equate someone not agreeing with something as toxic. I think this change is silly and unneeded, but just stating that isn’t toxic.

Pretty much this. lol :point_up:

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Yea, I don’t do much in the Maw now. This is just that much less I’ll do. I’d love to here the reason for this change.

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They messed up something and they’re aware of it and applying a hotfix. That’s all we can ask, really. We don’t need the deep details of what happened - that’s not our concern.

Problem found, fix applied, problem solved.

I’ve pretty much omitted SL for a few months now to be honest. And yeah the maw has never peaked my interest. Maybe 9.1 will change it up with Korthia in the maw.