Mature Language Filter and Social Contract

Should also be able to follow the rules you agreed to as an adult.

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There is so much misinformation in the OP I’m honestly surprised the post has been allowed to stay up. Educate yourself on facts.

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um no

if u turn it off it says ur a big boy and dont have too much soy in your bloodstream and cam handle big boy language without needing a safe space

Hopefully under Microsoft, we can get some human eyes on these issues

Oh you sweet summer child.

Guess what even big boys have to follow the rules they agreed to… unless your name is accurate.

Yes some actual moderators doing their jobs would be nice.

u turn off mature language filter and then complain about seeing mature language?

i cant

The filter is irrelevant “mature language” has always been again the rules everyone agrees to.

To repeat what has already been said…


the IN GAME UI has a feature to either see it or block it

BLIZZARD installed this FEATURE for players to CHOOSE

i cant with gd anymore

The filter isn’t an excuse to break the rules. It’s really not hard to understand for most people at least.


You agree not to use bad words, then use bad words and complain about punishment?

i cant


No, they put it in place because some people can’t follow the rules they agreed to.

If you want a “safe space”, as you called it, to use that kind of language, WoW is not that place.

If you don’t like the rules, but play anyway, then you have only yourself to blame for that.


Kinda depends on whats being said dude.

Don’t get me wrong. I like my edgy humor. Not when its just being thrown at strangers. That kinda talk is friend group talk.

Its like those comment bots on youtube that say really godawful things I can’t type here. Blech.

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im referring to reasonable stuff

not some idiot going on a tirade

common sense applies but people lack common sense

they just look for any reason to be self rigtheous and or offended


That’s up to the GMs to decide. Can only hope its not the same people “moderating” the forums

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Your idea of “reasonable” is not going to be the same as everyone’s.

You seem to be pretty offended by being expected to follow the rules you agreed to. :person_gesturing_no:


Same people.

The Forum Mods are GMs/CS who are tasked out to handle forum tickets. Right now with ticket queues for the normal CS tickets so long, that is priority.

Big ban waves usually involve Hacks though, not just GMs. Devs too - as in someone has to make the call to issue a longer suspension than they have in the past. If it is true that some of there are first time infractions, that is a bit odd to give it 30 days unless there is more to it than just non-participation.

The goal is to avoid honor farming, I believe.

I can’t tell if you’re being obtuse or really just can’t comprehend the simplicity of the concept you’re trying to rules lawyer against.

Well that changes things

Except you’re allowed to still be upset and they still broke the law.

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