Mature Language Filter and Social Contract

Yeah… I learned that this year. I don’t think that was always the case. So now they are handling all the tickets for all the games + all the forums.

  • Billing and all purchase issues for all games.
  • Account access (password changes, email change, phone number issues, authenticator issues, name change, account unlock).
  • Account compromises and restores.
  • In - game issues that the player can’t resolve themselves with self help tools.
  • In-game reports for language violations/spam/bad names
  • Appeals for language violations/spam
  • Forum reports (sub set of the GM/CS team when they are not doing tickets).

That is off the top of my head. They likely have more. They operate out of Texas still from my understanding, although there is some work from home allowed now since COVID.

Any new game release, sale, promotion, patch release, ban wave, for ANY game can cause a back up in tickets. Doing a bunch of those at once across games is a bit chaotic. They do hire people for game releases as contract staff. They are trained, work at Blizzard, but let go after the initial surge calms down. Overwatch release was an example of a surge situation they brought in extra for. The training time is such that they can’t just hire off the street. They prefer NOT to just hire, train, and end contracts so yeah. Sometimes there are not enough staff.

I would assume, if this continues to be an issue, they will re-evaluate the staffing situation for tickets/CS/forums.

No you mean anyone you disagree with. Sorry but those two words have lost their meaning because of people like you. The majority of players could care less about what race you are or your sexual preference, just seems to me at least that you are just a hard person to get along with, I would hate to work with you.

that’s not 100% true. if you have locks on a business but didnt lock the door right at 9pm when you close and they walk in at 9:01 to buy stuff cause you forgot to lock up, thats not a crime. intent and circumstance has a big part to play in that

Dunno about just the texas thing. I’ve had people respond to my tickets from the Europe side of Blizz

Ah, yes. They still have an EU team but instead of having overnight shifts in either Region, they have them work cross tickets. So EU handles US tickets during what is our night, and US handles EU tickets during what is their night. It can get … interesting… results.

I understand the concept and it is not bad when tickets are slow overnight. Just fine for the other Region to just fold them in. Right now though we have a 5 day ticket wait time with all the pre-patch, promotions, pre sales, ban waves, etc.

I admit I got a bit snippy in a response to a gm answering a ticket from the EU. I was angry because I didn’t know if the gms over there even look at our threads over here.

( Just in case that dude reads this. My bad dude )

Counter point.

Hiring over night staff to work full time, for a handful of months. It isn’t a great alternative.

Really? Because that’s not what I did.

What? So when actual homophobic crap is on trade, what should I call it?

So, they do care…a little. Whether they care or not what a player’s gender is, doesn’t mean hate speech doesn’t happen. Are you resisting common sense?

Yeah, I prob. am. And you sound dense and difficult, so we wouldn’t get along.

They have been very clear on this, having a mature language filter is not an excuse for you to use bad language. Look I was raised in a military family, I spent 12 years in the ARMY. I have a very colorful vocabulary and yet even I have managed to not get into this situation because I understand the rules I agreed to play by.


gimmie like 20$ a month ill look at goofy tickets all day

“this guy called me a meanie butt”

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You’re wrong OP and you know it

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When will they give penalties for using foul language like “frick,” “shoot,” and “darn”? :slight_smile:

This thread reminds me of hall monitors in elementary school. No, I do not use such eloquent language in the public chat channels.

There is a nice song about that this:

i feel scared in wow even typing like the other version of heck LOL

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No, it’s not ridiculous. It’s on by default – the filter exists in the first place – because people can’t be trusted to play by the rules they agreed to. I can and do use language that would scorch paint off walls; I just don’t use it in /say or /general or /trade.


Even if the argument in the OP here were somehow valid to how Blizzard enforces, I’d bet money on the fact that profanity reports don’t record whether the reporter had the profanity filter enabled or not. That is of course by design because it isn’t intended to be a shield for those using profanity.

I think swearing is great and we should just allow it, and make the profanity filter on by default so everyone that’s offended is safe from the scary words. We all swear in private chats. This policing language is annoying. Just let us swear for dooker sake.

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do what I do…just dont talk the the clowns in chat at all.
No talky, no walky.

That said, Im seeing the EXACT same kind of four letter tirades and filthy talk that Ive seen since i started playing.
what has changed?

It is on by default but the filter isn’t an excuse to break the rules you agreed to.

Great that’s the place for it not in public channels.