Mature Language Filter and Social Contract

Yes but you can also cancel the person trying to cancel you!

I keep mine on. Always will. But if I happen to be in trade and someone posts crazy stuff that shows up that I can still understand the context of, and it’s still offensive to the general population? Doesn’t matter if I see asterisks/nonsense letters or whatever. It’s getting a report. Just because someone has the filter on doesn’t mean we are idiots who don’t understand context clues. Y’all know exactly what you’re doing. Don’t play coy or act like everyone else are morons. Behave yourselves.


He broke the rules and got punished for it? What is so ridiculous? Don’t like it go play another game.


Is this kind of stuff really a puzzler for people?

You’ve been cancelled for trying to cancel the person who cancelled me.

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Actually they aren’t. The kind of language you are probably talking about is still against the rules and always has been. The rules you agreed to…


Not if I cancel myself first!

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This has always been a thing OP. You’ve been lucky all these years and that’s all there is to it. Know your audience and learn when to bite your tongue.


Hmm, quoting something from 2007 when we didn’t have a bowl of fruit painting…

So the profanity rule doesn’t apply since it’s old? :rofl:
Why do people say this?
Guess the U.S constitution doesn’t apply either, that’s not even from this century.


Honestly this seems like going to an adult entertainment site and complaining about all the naked people and their lewd actions. I support your desire to avoid it Karen, but when you actively did the exact opposite I don’t believe your motivations are pure.

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So that parents who object to seeing it can turn it off for their kids. It is no more a license to break TOS than a kevlar vest is to shoot a guy.


The irony in your post is that you just did the same thing you accused others of doing.

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You call others idiots and I contemplate this:

Do you have a mirror in your home?

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In the past few decades, several prominent anti-gay Christian fundamentalist preachers turned out to be gay themselves.

This hypocrisy isn’t limited to politics or religion. I’m thinking of a leader in the vegan movement who was seen chowing down on a steak in an airport restaurant after appearing at a vegan convention.


funny as an ancient greek wise man once said the lack of profanity in ones speech shows you have little thought in your thought process… and just because someone replies bluntly doesnt mean one is triggered… it just means they saw stupidity and decided to reply and end the idiocy run rampant.

kind of like several left wing anti capitalist politicians selling merchandise for the cause and buying million dollar mansions… its not the talk its the walk you have to pay atention to.

Excuse me? Have you looked at the investigation into RNC funding shenanigans, where no one seems to know where hundreds of millions of dollars have disappeared to?

Stop patting yourself on the head. The avarice and criminality of your politicians are not excused by anything you have said here. How about that Mr. Espionage?

actually like the trumped up investigation into something the IRS already cleared its in the paperwork and tracked.

What did I accuse anyone of doing?