Mature Language Filter and Social Contract

Unless you know your group very well (a good guild, familiar friends, etc.), just be safe for yourself and refrain from using profanity.

Do I find bans a little excessive over basic swearing? Yes, I do. But that is what we agreed to upon entering the world.

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You must not visit the forums much.

Can Cun Cruz
Mark Foley
Dennis Hastert
Roy Moore
^^ Republicans, since 2019^^

How ignorant of me.


context means more than the exact words being used.

There is definitely a disconnect.

There is a rule.

A person breaks the rule.

They get punished.

Someone else having the mature filter on/off is irrelevant.


You agreed not to use offensive language. You then chose to break that agreement. Thus you faced the consequences of said actions.

Seems to be working as intended, that’s not a sign of bad customer service, but rather good customer service.

You do know that Microsoft has the exact same language in the ToS/Eula for their online games right?


Thing is, nobody knows where it came from. The ideas that “dEbUnK” the acronyms (which did exist so…), don’t debunk it. They’re just other projections of where it originated.

All in all: no one actually knows, and we will most likely, never know. So, w/e.

Swearing is not the issues, context is.
Players and Devs need to understand this.


It doesn’t matter what you’re all for.

Onky matters what Blizzard is all for.


True, but it’s irresponsible for Blizz to only ban one group of offenders and not the others. So, if I can’t say the cuss word of poop…then the idiots spamming hate can’t spew hate speech.

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It does matter what a customer base thinks, study marketing and business LOL

I’ve definitely seen people banned for hate speech?

Blizzard puts on a “we care about toxicity” face, but only takes actions against reports. They’re reactive, not proactive, and it’s a total joke. It’s the reason why you can see boost ads in /1 by bots for hours on end. They don’t actively moderate anything in-game and rely on pure player reporting instead.

Just like the forums.


IDK, have you? Why are you asking me?

I am curious.

How do you proactively ban hate speech?

Oh. You seemed to imply people are not banned for hate speech.

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I figured this was the situation, and I’m not surprised by it.

Either pay someone to read chats, or do what they do best and automate punishments.

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You didn’t answer my question. Secondly, when the same offenders are always on, day after day, I think it’s safe to assume they were able to login.

Ok. So paying someone to monitor chats (LOL not happening) is still reactive. You wait for someone to do something. You react. You ban them.

Automate punishments? The thing about hate speech, is much of it uses words that can not be automated.

It was a serious question? Ok.

Yes. I have literally seen and known people to get banned for hate speech. So now that we’ve covered that people do in fact get banned for hate speech, we can move on…I guess.


Use whatever definition you want, but they don’t do anything for themselves and only act on reports by players. That’s reactive. If they were proactive they’d be laying down the hammer themselves.

They tout about using AI in their automated systems. Someone replacing a letter with a number isn’t hard to figure out.

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