OP’s post has been a dead horse for 15 years lol
They can’t afford to do live support.
They can’t afford to write guides for the game.
They CAN afford to do live support, but Bobby needs his yacht.
They don’t need to write guides; they need to be able to address an in-game issue themselves. It’s THEIR game, not Wowhead’s, but again, this isn’t the place for that.
This game is made purely for profit. Any parts that don’t appear to generate profit are removed.
Why do you think you get so little content for each new expansion and patches?
They would need to write guides and let’s be honest they couldn’t write guides better than 3rd party people can.
Well, you know, that particular word IS the “mother” of all cuss words.
The reality is, using profanity in many public places is just plain rude and uncouth. Unless you know everyone in the audience is okay with it, you should keep your comments as PG as possible (if not G).
I fully agree that the garbage you describe seeing in Trade Chat is worse than using one profane word in a BG. However, you don’t know what the outcome was for those spammers.
I rarely look at Trade Chat, but I do report things like that when I see them, as I’m sure others do. I don’t report profanity if it’s just used for emphasis and not part of a rant like the ones you described. But, I also leave my filter on because, frankly, I find the symbols more illustrative than the words.
In other words, you are pretending to be offended to get a powertrip out of it and abuse the automated system. Got it.
If you see a friend say poopy, it’s fine, but if a random person you are passing by says pee pee, well that is a step too far and he must be punished! Abuse of the reporting system by people like you are why we can’t have nice things and comedy is decaying. Go back to the 80s sub-urbs with the rest of the conservative fundamentalists before the scary rock and roll and potty-mouthed Beavis and Butthead corrupt ya.
Only if it stood for “what the f”, but it doesn’t.
I have never changed the filter toggle. But if you’re swearing, it’s really obvious by what I’m seeing in chat. And if you’re being a total jerk to other people in chat, I’m going to report you for profanity.
I don’t understand people who are unable to express coherent thoughts without the majority of their words being profanity, and I’m not going to find the filter and turn it off so I can understand what some idiot is saying in a bg when I can’t read what he has written.
Those trolls got you triggered, didn’t they? They sure pushed your buttons.
No, it’s not. Who set priority on cuss word severity? It’s not even a word, never was one. Was always and acronym, still is.
Funny you say that when 99% of pedo politicians were republican/conservative. Your projection is merely reaching hard.
Not sure if this or the “80s suburbs with the fundamentalist Christians” comment is more ignorant.
I like reporting people. I think that a community can define itself and set tolerances. I’d like to believe that those servers in the Bible Belt are much more conservative but, honestly, I doubt it.
People like pushing boundaries and I say good luck to them. But, you might be surprised when it comes to context. Declaring, for example, that we are all going to rape a boss in the LFR is shocking and meant to be shocking. I’d VtK instantly.
As to the filter, my mind is much more filthy than what Blizzard calls profanity. When I see the gibberish displayed, I fill in some nasty stuff. I’d rather just see the words; some people are funny and I like that.
Ultimately, people in this thread are tryng to point out hypocrisy and I’ll respond with: people are complicated.
I don’t know how old you are, by which I mean no offence, but when I was growing up, they were the stereotypical buzz killers and softies. “No, no, no, you can’t say that, it’s so offensive, you’ll corrupt the mind of our youth!” etc. It feels like we have completed the horseshoe, and now the same people who were pushing the buttons of the old farts back in the 80s and 90s have become old farts themselves and repeating the same sentiment.
Buddy pal chum chummy bro pally pal pal friend,
When you get to the point where you are no longer able to enjoy a game or a movie because of intangible things like whether or not it’s too “woke” or “inclusive”, that you begin to perceive a videogame of all things as having some kind of agenda behind it, rather than just enjoying the game or the movie and moving on with your day, THAT is the point where you yourself have become radicalized, friendly friend chummy chum pal friend
Bad worgen.
squirts with spray bottle
No, that’s a very common misconception.
This is from Oxford languages: “early 16th century: of Germanic origin (compare Swedish dialect focka and Dutch dialect fokkelen ); possibly from an Indo-European root meaning ‘strike’, shared by Latin pugnus ‘fist’.”
I would put some links, but they all contain the word, and, well…
Just Google f*** etymology and you’ll get a bunch of hits.
I’m afraid a spray bottle won’t be enough. This calls for the big guns.
No, they are not agreeing to see profanity.
You agreed to the rules that state you will not use profanity or masked profanity in Blizzard games. The filter is there because some people don’t follow the rules they agreed to. Parents have the option for using it as do others, but that does not give anyone the right to break the rules. Spotlight on: Harassment
Mature Language Filter (aka The Profanity Filter)
This can be activated within your Interface Options: Main menu (ESC key by default) Click Interface > Social and check - Mature Language Filter.
Once enabled, all inappropriate words in our profanity database will be filtered and masked to appear as jumbled characters, such as ‘*##@&’.
Note: The filter does not excuse the language used. The filter serves as a temporary shield, to help parents of minors and others who do not wish to see it, to block it. Our policies prohibit the use of both clear and masked inappropriate language
This goes back to 2004.
Wait a for profit company is making a product for profit? SHOCKED FACE
I feel like the OP needs to break out how this impinges his 1st amendment rights.