Masterlooter- my raid, my gear, my rights

That’s the problem if others know you have it you’ll be forced to hand it over otherwise you’ll be booted. Again this leads to abuse. PL with minimum trade restrictions only works if people don’t know what you looted.

There are plenty here who would agree with you whether or not they have the same egos as you’re pretending (hopefully) to have. Objectively, for a group looking to push progression, it does make sense to maximize the benefit of every drop making sure it went to the person who will gain the most worth out of it. Maybe that means someone rocking a low ilvl piece or someone pumping numbers who gains less but is guaranteed to get more in the long run.

The problem comes when guilds were the only source of raiding progression and then decided to treat gear as a reward and a privilege for their chosen few or bootlickers. Problems that are more easily solved thanks to LFG and cross server raiding.

dang a lot of people too that weak bait

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Nope you are not. :rofl:

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That’s wanting your cake and eating it too (which as a phrase I never got…of course if I had cake I’d want to eat it).

Just like they get to decide you aren’t worth playing with anymore for keeping an item they feel better belongs in the hands of someone else, so too can you take that stance and get butt hurt and decide not to play with them if you aren’t given gear you otherwise feel are owed or are the best candidate for.

Transparency is good. Nobody should get to hide and if it means groups break apart because of differing ideologies, so be it.

So many people feeding this troll.

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Dude, you’re making the case for why we LOST master looter with this ranking.

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Obvious bait is obvious

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You got to be trolling. You can’t be that ignorant.

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At this point there is no effective difference between PL with Trade and ML. You’re still submitting to the wills of others and again this leads to abuse, which is why it’ll never happen because people cannot be trusted.

Transparency is good when it’s used for people in power. It’s useful to hold the powerful accountable. But when you use transparency in this regard it’ll lead to abuse over individuals.

Terrible idea.


Sounds like OP wants some sort of communism. Clearly, they’re a troll but still.

And this is why master looter went away because people can’t be trusted.

In general I agree that master looter should be a thing again. However, I disagree with your mentality. YOU are the one who invited that new guild member or pug to the team. To expect them to show up and help and not get anything from it is bad form on your end. Reminiscent of unpaid interns that companies exploit. Shameful.

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If I own a company (which I do irl) I get to determine who gets to come into work tomorrow and who doesn’t, who gets paid and who doesn’t
That’s just how it works
The same should be for wow in guilds

I’ll take the bait. You’re just an idiot

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Not really. The individual has more agency over that than you do. Right to work cuts both ways.

Also not true. If someone did labor, and they can prove it, and you terminate them without notice, but without compensating them for their labor you’ll be going to court for owed wages

Not how it works at all IRL. You sure you’re a business owner? Sounds like you think employee liability policies don’t apply to you.

Oh please
Don’t assume they have the funds to go to court to begin with
They don’t even know their own rights, fortunately I do
That’s why they never take me to court
Bring back masterlooter

I’m just bored and waiting for the expansion announcement so I can pre-order. Even really bad trolls can be a little entertaining. :no_good_woman:

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On that same note…

“Some Pug” doesn’t want to be forced to join raids at the mercy of some elitist who has admitted that he won’t give any loot to the pugs even though they literally helped clear the boss on it’s death, regardless of how many hours and attempts the fail guild made before he came in and carried them to victory.

Okay? Then as the potential pug, I don’t want to be in your raid helping you GET that kill. Good luck killing it 1-2 people short. It’s not ‘your loot’ it’s everyone in the runs loot. I’m the boss mentality like this makes me :face_vomiting: