Masterlooter- my raid, my gear, my rights

When I run my raid, I want to determine who gets the gear
I don’t want some pug to be able to take gear from the raid when my guild has been the one wiping on the boss day after day and some random pug gets lucky to attend for the one time we down the boss
Further, I don’t think it’s appropriate for people who are underperforming or who are new to MY guild to get gear until the very end. Friends/family come first, then officers, then good raiders, then the lowbies. and I should be able to determine who gets gear first, not anyone else
If they have a problem with it, they can get out of my guild
It’s my gear first, I own the guild
Bring back masterlooter


And this is why personal loot is here to stay forever.


No. 99.99% of the player base cannot be trusted with Master Looter which is why it was removed in the first place.


But it’s their loot…



Cry :musical_note: me :musical_note: a :musical_note: river


I’ve been in those situations where the loot was controlled and flowed to a select group of people, once they got their gear they either left the guild or they just stopped raiding.


That need to be reinstated
I should by fully entitled to take all the gear and disband if I want
Because it’s MY guild

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How anyone saw this as a serious post and got jebaited so hard is baffling lol.


No one did. There’s a reason everyone only replied with a few words. It’s very obvious bait.


A guild is made up of people and they consider it their guild too. You dont own the people in your guild and without those people you’d have an empty box when you logged on.

Im not sure if you post is bait but Im starting to drift that way…

Say what you want but I am going to continue to fight for MY rights as a guild leader and creator
I worked hard to get the members and roster in order and I deserve to be rewarded, I made it and I should be able to control it to my liking
If I want to take the loot that people worked in MY guild, I should be able to do that
Bring back masterlooter

There’s already a thread about this with over 2.4k of responses, here. Still on the front page. You didn’t even look, and I’m pro-ML.

what guild and what raid u runnin
ur lvl10

No, it created too much loot drama to ever come back. Blame the “Gms GF/wife, RL’s GF/wife, RL or GM’s new friend in guild, and “girl” offering ERP/nude pics/cam sex” suddenly getting loot priority. They ruined it for everyone.

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If I am the guild leader, I deserve to give the loot to whoever I want
If that’s the girlfriend of the week, then so be it

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OK, Mute time. Its not Sunday, dammit!

Blizz isn’t listening
I want a post from blizz showing they’re considering feedback because I’m tired of having no control over people’s loot
I control every other aspect of what they do: their rotations, their specs, where they stand in raid
But I can’t control the loot that I essentially got for them?
Bring back master looter

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And that’s exactly why ML was killed off. Unfair bias. Those who weren’t “in the circle” got ignored for loot while the close buddies and partner got most of it.

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OK, I already reported you (for both spam and trolling) and this thread for duplicate posts. I’ll see you in the other thread and muting this one.

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