Masterlooter- my raid, my gear, my rights

I’m going to guess the OP got wrecked on classic by ML and is mad about it.

So what item was it that you “won” or “deserved” and was it an e-gf, total nubcake, or greedy raid lead who took it?

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Without the pug you would have not downed the boss to begin with so get good and stop complaining

I kinda get the feeling this was a post from someone who doesn’t like master looter making a caricature of someone who’s in favor of it for the sole purpose of driving people against it.

And this right here is why you won’t get ML back.

I do the work, I get paid, I don’t work for free.

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none of that stuff is yours, the game belongs to blizzard…you have no rights in this matter lol moving on.

Exactly the attitude that made me quit raiding years ago.
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If you were wondering why we don’t support ML: Look no further.

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op: Masterlooter - My raid, my gear, my rights

Blizzard: Masterlooter - Lol no, we give you gear, we decide who gets the rights

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You’ve got to fight for your right to party.

I work very hard as a guild leader to get the raids on time and set people up for success
I have hundreds if not thousands of people coming in and out of my guild who are successful at downing bosses on heroic
All of that was because of me and my raid leading skills
I think it’s only fair that I get to determine who gets what gear at this point
All of the success of my guild is because of what I did
I don’t see why this is such a difficult concept to grasp

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This guy sums it up why I stopped trying to raid past LFR.

PL Stans: “Not another ML post”
Also PL Stans: “I know, I’ll make a fake ML post”

You know what?
If you don’t like raiding, that’s on you
I make some of the best raids known to this game and I deserve not only the recognition but the right to determine who gets the loot from that raid
If you don’t like raiding, that’s your issue
But don’t ruin masterlooter for everyone else

You make all these big claims, but you don’t tell us what your great guild is.

I see people have taken the bait .

You can say the OP is a Master OH LOOK

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Because of some random forum troll? I mean I wouldn’t be surprised if this is how Blizzard makes their development decisions but I was thinking it was more like….

You are trying way too hard here. The sad thing is I actually knew people with your mindset who unironically would say much of the same thing…but they are the exception and not the norm.

Masterloot can be a good loot option for a dedicated group who all consents to that kind of arrangement. I’d actually be ok with it coming back “if” the moment the group has to bring in outside guild folks (or at least not folks part of the guild or a community in which the members of the guild are all also part of), personal loot is enabled and locked.

If a group wants to make applicants jump through hoops to first join their community to come to their pug, then at that point, it’s on the pugger to accept they probably aren’t going to get loot and to make decisions accordingly.

Or you know what’ll be easier? Personal loot with minimal trade restrictions. It may end up costing you future raid spots, but an item in your bag you have 100% control over and can’t be literally forced to give it to the guild/group.

I wish these people would be more vocal because I know I’m not alone here
And I know there are other raid leaders out there who will agree that they should be given the right to determine who gets what loot
Because being a good guild leader is hard work and with that hard work should come the reward
I know I’m not alone, and there is no shame in trying to fight for a right that you should never had taken away from you to begin with

Only way this works is if people don’t know you have the item. The second that someone sees you get something you’ll be forced to hand it over.

Pray tell how you’ll be forced to hand it over. You can’t

Like I said in that post, it may cost you future raid spots, but there literally is not a way short of someone physically taking over your computer and keyboard to make you give an item in your bag to someone else.