Masterlooter- my raid, my gear, my rights

Hi ahead report me
Bring more attention to this because that’s what we need
Blizz to see that we need masterlooter back
Make WoW great again

There are even responses after yours taking the bait though, so I’m not so sure lol.

I expected more from you bud
Especially since you want ml back
Looks like you’re one of those goody two shoes that lets other ppl dictate who gets what loot

and this is why it will never come back. Gratz! in one paragraph you showed us that you should never be in charge of anything. Give a small person a bit of power and they think they rule the world


This is not a good way to run a successful guild with ML. Just sayin’.


Well seeing as it’s blizzards gear, blizzards raid and blizzards right. Sooooo uh good luck I guess?

Could you just imagine what kind of entitled person OP is in real life? :clown_face:


You’ve done Master Loot the worst injustice.

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Just another example showing why you’ll never get ML back.

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How about something different. Personal Loot remains, but if the Raid is a guild group the raid leader can change a setting to remove the
Can’t trade this item if it’s a upgrade”.
Allowing players to put up gear and the group can fiqure out how to distribute it.

Please tell me what guild you own, so I can make sure I never even think about joining. Or, better yet, what server you’re on, so I hopefully never have to be in the same group as you.


All of that sounds miserable

I’m with you OP, if you don’t like ML don’t join ML runs :man_shrugging:

our raid.
[insert obscure meme reference here]

Considering that OP basically hasn’t gotten an AotC in almost 4 years, I’m gunna go out on a limb and say that OP may not be telling the truth about being a raid leader.

One might even say that they’re doing it purely to get a rise out of people.



That’s funny. You have no rights in wow. In fact, you don’t even own a copy of the game.

What a self-absorbed control freak.
When members join your guild, did you spell out exactly what is expected of them? Did you say, paraphrased, “I OWN you and I feel dish out loot on MY fancy”. Or did you leave out that part.

And any pug who joins a raid will 95% want loot. Did you tell pugs that “All loot is MINE and I will give you some if I feel generous”?

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I paid for MY subscription and made MY guild, therefore it is MY loot
No one can tell me what to do with the loot that I got
If I want to give the loot to my girlfriend of the week, that should be MY choice

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Oh what merit?

First don’t pug while doing guild raids
Second the pugger was present on the kill , your past FAILED attempts without the puggers means nothing because they were FAILED attempts

This recruiting issue not loot issue , solve your issue first before trying to change the game for entire playerbase

No, I would simply dish out the loot as I please after the fact
And kick the pug if they complain
Because that’s how I choose to run MY raid

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