Master looter returning in the future

It makes sense for it to be full guild runs only. Let pugs be pugs with personal loot.


Yeah i’m super upset Master Looter is returning and you misheard something to fit your narrative so confidently and then proceeded to clown yourself thanks to an overload of cope.

yep, i think everyone wins here with this.


You’re too much of a caricature for me to take you seriously, I’m sorry we can still be friends <3.

Yeah it sounded like they’re trying to engineer a better master loot that avoids the undesirable situations the original version enables.

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Especially since they said they would take out the guarenteed relevant loot for it to work. So yea… make this guild/friends only thing imo.

Yeah definitely this I saw someone saying they’d even only restrict it to Mythic raiding loot tables if it was ever to be brought back. I think that’s not the worst thing they could come up with. But in reality it’ll probably be a mix and match of PL and less trading restrictions.

The perfect scenario is a smart master looter type system really.

As in, it’s not going to drop a bow when you don’t have any hunters. The problem with a smart master loot vs the original is those certain items that only a few people can roll become extremely tricky to track down.

For example the mythic dagger off Sylvanas or even the bow/quiver. The only people who could roll these items were rogues / hunters. It means in the current ML scenario the loot would need to flag them to receive a piece of loot then get lucky for that piece of loot to be their class specific item vs a generic piece of loot like a domination piece or ring.

It’s extremely frustrating for them in these situations and causes a lot of grief.

There isnt even 19 million people playing the game let alone raiding. Maybe 20% the entire population raids

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Its re-downloaded when it is updated.

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But what about bonus roll tokens

If Blizzard brings back master looter, I will quit this game.
I remember being screwed over and I would never get any loot until the GM and his RL friends were all geared up. And I kept switching guild after guild each time this happened so screw master looter.

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This thread actually will change their minds about even having thought about doing something.

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A lot of people feel that way or they’ll just quit the raiding scene and stick to PvP and mythic dungeons. ML is just a drama machine no one reasonable wants to see brought back.

No they were there

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They’re trolling… Report them and move on.

If master came back for Mythic guild group only would that still make you quit the game? I’m just curious because i’m struggling to see people who are disagreeing with the return of ML that currently raid in a guild at all.

If they’re gonna bring it back in some way that’s cool for the people that really wanted it. I’m happy for you, really.

Personally, I’m indifferent. Loot will come your way eventually. ML just makes it a little quicker. We just need the creation catalyst usable on launch and great vault RNG lessened.

We need more content in the endgame pillars.


Greatvault less RNG + Creation catalyst on launch are very good ideas.


Guaranteed relevant loot? What’s that?

Ion pointed out that they wouldn’t want a scenario where a guild with 10 warriors could freely funnel loot.