Master looter returning in the future

Serious question, what do you think happened last tier when domination gear existed? You quite literally all hopped on your plate alt, bought the helm from the AH then went and killed the boss with as many plate people as you could to ensure you could get a plate helm to drop.

If their aim to to stop funneling they’ve done a shocking job at it.

Why are you arguing with me? Ion literally said this…

After you do a mythic run 1/2 people are guaranteed loot. The way the old loot you got guaranteed loot too but it wasn’t for your own spec. With master loot, it could mean you have a raid with no hunters for example and a bow drops. No one will be able to use it. Blizz said.

Personal loot any loot that does drop you know you can use which I prefer. Also vault loot is guaranteed loot as well. It’s just not guaranteed to be an upgrade or a duplicate.

Yes, but with the current system, it’s a fan of giving me untradeable items that are not an upgrade, and will never be used (skolex cape when my unity is on a cape)

I’m a little bummed out they got rid of bonus rolls in lieu of the vault. The vault is a really great feature however targetting items you desperately want is now quite painful. I think most of the people who wanted slappers last tier of Raden got them from bonus rolls :frowning:

The only people who want Master loot back are Ninja’s, entitled people, selfish people, and no lifers. If you can’t stand the thought of a “bad dps” or a “random participant” getting an upgrade on gear the problem is you, not the game. The only humane and logical way Master loot belongs into the game is for Mythic Guild group raids.


I would rather get stuff I can use and everyone at least can use, then be forced into the old loot, where many runs something drops for a class no one is playing at the moment. And is just disenchant fodder. Especially for pugging mythics.

This is why I really think, at least for raids, they need to change the order of how the system determines loot.

It should be items drops first THEN it picks who gets it depending on loot specs.

Then just make PL no restrictions and done.

If this means a few raids have a bow or dagger drop with no Hunter or Rogue then so be it.


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The “good” thing about how they’ve gutted gear to be extremely boring and formulaic is that this can barely happen anymore because items are shared across specs and classes so easily.

I’d expect bows and daggers to “maybe” happen every now and then.

And this comment is a perfect example why they should not bring back master loot.


When I see loot drop, I like actually being able to use it.

I don’t do raids and guilds because loot can be an issue. This is a guld desire, not really something I want as someone who pugs mostly mythics.

If they want to opt into that system let them deal with the downsides of not having one of every class/spec.

This will just hurt mythic + when we do actually see a drop.

Especially for those specs that need niche weapons.

Based on the amount of tears I saw on this sub about 9.0 CN loot, this sounds like a great recipe for massive amounts of whining. Wah wah we killed the boss and the hunter bow dropped again.

I can see it now. The words “raider tax” being thrown around again. (Side-note: I can’t believe M+ and PvP players are ACTUALLY getting a “non-raider” tax having to pay real gold to AH goblins for tier in 10.0, lol.)

Whats this non raider tax in mythic plus and pvp if I may ask, i’m a returning player and don’t know anything about whats been going on since 9.0.

In 10.0 Creation Catalyst is being replaced by a mechanism where you put up work orders on the AH to upgrade your gear into tier. So you have to pay other players to get your tier rather than putting a trivial amount of patch currency up for it. Very cringe IMO.

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(expansion isn’t even in alpha yet very very likely to change with feedback)

I’m unsure what creation catalyst is, but couldn’t a player just grind a new piece that has a item level thats higher like getting conquest gear instead of honor gear or getting a mythic +10 piece instead of a +8 piece?

This is some of the dumbest **** I’ve ever read. Do they not understand that the players we’ll be paying are like 1% of the playerbase. Real life goblins.

Creation catalyst turns non-tier items into tier items once per week using a patch currency called cosmic flux. In 10.0, so far in interviews they’ve pitched the idea of this being something you can have done by other players instead.

At present, Creation Catalyst is the primary mechanism of acquiring tier gear for non-raiding players, meaning PvP and M+ players.

That WoW token income though. No more leggos so they gotta make their MTX money somehow.


Lmfao bro it might be time for me to hang it up on WoW