Master looter returning in the future

Based on the discussion between Ion and Asmongold it looks like we’re not far off getting Master Looter back (albeit maybe in a different form that the original) , what a great thought. I’m sure this is going to go down extremely well with everyone here on the forums.


“ I think there’s a lot to be said for keeping personal loot in some spaces like outdoor world, trash in dungeons and raid, I don’t think anyone needs group loot trappings there. But the core experience of killing a raid boss, there’s four things on the corpse, figure out what you want to do with those four things - that’s something we’d like to get back to”

I like this a lot. I think personal should remain an option for pugs, but guild raids should absolutely have the option available for master loot if they want it


My interpretation of the response was a “round-about” answer…he didn’t say YES to it coming back, he said that’s something he’d like to bring back in SOME FORM. Not confirmation at all. It won’t be the same as ML we had before that got abused by RL and GMs.


I think this has been the sore point for people who are in raid groups for some time. This is kind of all we want, I couldn’t really care what loot rules pugs or LFR uses.

When I’m in my guild raid, with everyone being in my guild - I should have the option like we use to. Having to game the system of finicky loot rules of PL is a real drag.


Whatever option people get eventually won’t be ML.

Well, sorry this ain’t happening.


Personal loot should be kept because being friends with the raid lead doesn’t mean you deserve it


He didn’t say it was coming back the way it was in the past.


No, I’m guessing you supported the GM/RLs gf/wife/best or “Girl” in raid getting prioritized loot for ERP and nudes and “video chat”? It was abused to no ends. If you weren’t “in the circle” you’d get less loot then others cause they didn’t care about you, FACT. They would invite a new friend to guild that was close to them and said new friend would be in circle and still get more loot then you.

And that’s exactly what lead to above. One person cannot have too much power with loot, some can handle it, some cannot and go corrupt and bias for friends and close people and screw over the rest.


Please for the love of God if this is a thing make raiding a completely optional nonoptimal thing for gearing. I do not want that mess of corrupt loot councils and ninja looters back


The raid leader should decide who has been worthy of loot or not because they are the one chosen to be in charge

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Loot was good in Legion, forced personal on anything but guild groups and each guild group could decide what loot type they use.

Nobody was complaining about it when they remove it, it was already “fixed” and they remove it to slow down guilds(mostly world first) gearing speed.

Ninja looting being a reason is and was a general forum fan fiction.

A guild that steals loot from its members is a dead guild, this is not Wrath anymore and people don’t have any tolerance for favoritism.


Ahhh there we go, that’s exactly the response i was waiting for in this thread. The classic “b-b-but the corrupt GM/RL and his girlfriend” angle that we’ve grown to both know and love on these forums.

Completely forgetting of course we’re going on 4 years of classic WoW with no real noise about these makebelieve scenarios happening.


it still very much happens, you just don’t hear about it because you don’t go seeking it out. Easy to say something doesn’t happen when you don’t even think about it until someone brings it up in a debate.


Sexist much?

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Maybe you’re under the impression it happens a lot more than you think because you apparently are googling scenarios of corrupt loot councils or reading fanfics about this happening on other websites.

Ding ding ding. How dare i (95 percentile DPS) lose an item to a FEMALE in the RAID?! She must be sleeping with the raid leader she doesn’t even parse 50 percentile!!

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It doesn’t in any large scale, people have no reason to stay in a guild that dont give them any loot, when basically all guilds raiding mythic are recruiting players 24/7 no matter their progress.

No, actually I’m not. But you sure seem be unable to debate or give an appropriate response back. It was fact that it was mostly guys who played WoW back in the day and in general - most gamers were male hence the sexual appeal of females being skimpy in all those F2P MMOs and other video games trying to attract who they thought would be the bigger audience. That of course has changed since early 2000’s and maybe more females then males game in 2022 and that’d be cool to learn too and show how video games have changed their audience over time.


The humanity… can you please think about how much of an uncomfortable situation the player would be put in if they joined a guild with a corrupt loot council (in their mind)? I can’t possible see a way out if you join a guild where loot isn’t going in the direction that they seem fit.

What could they possible do Dartakan… what could they possibly do? :frowning:

These are the people who don’t want to see ML return lmao

Nice sexist stereotypes


Typical sexist behaviour really.

It’s not sexist because I know the stats and it was all males playing WoW originally trust me i work for the bureau of World of Warcraft IRL Gender statistics