Master looter returning in the future

It will work on some servers and that is all they care about.

Honestly don’t care if ML comes back or not but they do need to change the restrictions on PL .

Blizz thinks ilvl is the only thing that matters when in fact it is the secondary stats that matter more . For me the main 2 are Crit /Mast and if I get say a haste /vers item at a higher ilvl as an item already slotted at a lower ilvl that is crit mast , I’m keeping the crit /mast item .

Right now the only options are to either vendor the item or possibly have it disenchanted .

I would rather have the option to go to someone in my raid group "Can anyone use this "

If one person goes yes they get it , if multiple go yes they roll . Most people I raid with don’t pressure people into giving stuff up because we put forth what we don’t need to help those that do .

raiding is about to get more toxic with master loot you dont want it back.the gm will get all his gear,the gms boyz will get theirs then the officers and finally the rest of you scrubs can fight over the scraps.

is this what you want to come back?

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Bringing back master loot will be the dumbest thing ever. Everyone cheering for master loot is someone who plans on ninja looting

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You know the vast majority of progression raiding guilds use a literal Master Looter addon to emulate master looter right? They’ve been using it since ML was removed at the end of Legion widely.

If it was such an issue why don’t you hear about it more on the forums? Is it because everyone on the forums who expresses such opinions raids outside LFR?


I think if they make it optional people on the forums won’t cry too much.

Master loot is going to bring GDKP to retail . Not good !!!

Fixed that for you.

Oh, great. Now we get to hear all the malcontents made up stories about how the raid leader kicked their puppy and stole their loot again.

no you dont understand the ONLY reason that girl got loot is because he secretly wants to date her and wants her to be his GF!!!

The easiest solution…make no gear tradable. if it drops for you…its yours . soulbound. that would accomplish blizzards goals and eliminate complaints that you can only trade if x happens. gear would drop to exactly whom blizzard wants to get it. I doubt any of us would be really happy.

I dont know how they are using master looter in raid finder anyway.

It’s one thing if a coordinated guild is utilizing a master loot add on but to have master loot on for a pug is just nightmarish

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Then why do you need ML back?

Yeah, it seems they are willing to bring it back but in a very limited and controlled settings but nothing like it was in the past.

Because it would avoid having to install a third party addon and additional not have to play aroudn the rule restrictions with PL.

Yeah the technology is there to just make it allowed on guild flagged groups.

I for one support the implementation of the unicorn happy funtime system.

Should have kicked their loot and stole their puppy, one of the classic blunders.

Just have an opt-in.

Like raid leader initiates “master loot” as loot type.

But it does absolutely nothing until every raid member goes to their loot options and chooses master looter.

If you don’t then it stays on personal loot for you.

No mistakes. No ninjas. Done.