Master looter returning in the future

Not a big deal. You get what you want and ninja looters are shutdown. I don’t see a problem

I mean, we don’t get what we want exactly.

I think there is a fundamental issue that people are understanding with progression oriented guilds and I’ll try my best to explain it to you.

Guilds like the one I raid lead only care about one thing, killing the end boss as fast as possible. When a new raid tie drops we want to kill early bosses and make steady prog as the weeks go on. Usually when you kill the 4th or 3rd last boss most guilds will start extending.

Extending means that you will no longer be getting any of the earlier gear to equip to finish off the raid. This tier has been abnormally long and jailer will be a very long slog of a raid.

The consequences of the current loot system on a guild like mine is that If a raider loots a tier helm but uses Unity in that slot, he cannot trade the helm despite not wanting to use it which means a raider who would have used it now cannot get it that week. It means going into the end boss with less gear in total.

Having to dance around these annoying loot rules is really frustrating for people participating at the highest level looking to kill the boss. The only thing people in my guild care about is killing the last boss - not loot.