Master looter returning in the future

Master looter is quite literally in Classic and Classic TBC. We’ve had almost four years of Master Looter. You forget about that or?

Blizzard are adding and removing features based on player feedback, how is Master Looter still in the game if it was such a tremendousssssssss problem?

Oh goodie. A return to guild drama, infighting and temper tantrums.

faster than currently rerolling gear then having people trade…

ah cherry picking at its finest.

not so wonderful is a loot method is enough to ruffle them up.

Or just raid, and get loot.

I can’t wait see gdkp pick up so they stop ranting about tokens. Age of 3rd party gold could return.

Retail gdkp will mask this better than tbcc. Tbcc has the that functional limit of 100g, less gold in the tbcc days you see. Can’t charge people 100k gold in tbcc. They don’t have it.

Gold sellers just have price better than token.

I think the WoW team is in denial about the entire lockout system.

They should make raids replayable with no lockout within the same week. Instead, just make the replays a form of bad luck protection where if you didn’t get something the prior run, you can try again for either currency or til gear drops, up to a max bad luck protection allotment. ie, a “dynamic/flexible” lockout where playing more is the reroll.

They really need to give people who want to master content and will only play something if it’s available more than once a week an outlet. I’m sure I’m not alone when I say I’ve been avoiding raiding, as once a week is not my thing. Partly due to having to deal with many other people, partly due to my bursty playstyle, partly because I do not want to be harassed by or interact with guilds. If I’m going to deal with others, it cannot be a once a week thing or I ignore said content. Making rewards parasitic towards raiding will not get me to raid, it’ll just make me hate your developers more. The devs have tried this countless times and are in denial about it.

They really need to have some kind of battle pass style encouragement of further interaction with raids/dungeons. Right now when you hit a timegate it basically is a major put off that kills the game. For instance I didn’t even do anything for the vault last week, as dungeon drops are worthless to me now (ilvl 262 capped gear), and waiting a week for no agency lootbox great vault is disgusting. This is on top of the CC timegate making me salty and just not wanting to interact with any systems.

I don’t know if GDKPS come back with as much force as people think they will. The content back then was a lot more easy than it was now. It required significantly less raid leading and prep to kill bosses. I remember during Wrath i ran 3 separate GDKPs a week and just made infinite amounts of gold.

These days I can’t even imagine a pug mythic killing the first boss with 5~ buyers.

Ion said it was a long term goal, that isn’t something that is “not far off”


Plenty will lie and say they do ML fairly, but then you get less loot anyway. You make it sound like everyone will be 100% honest and that’s never the case.

Wrong…look at what Ion said exactly. It’s a long term idea in the future, but not gonna happen by 10.0 and not even guaranteed to happen. Don’t set unrealistic expectations born out of personal desire, it often twists anything that talks about it to “excitement and expectations” and often fails to meet up to those standards you incidentally created.

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Good for you try hards

From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs
The theory of Communism may be summed up in one sentence: Abolish all private property

Sounds more like another loot system than Master loot, be prepared for the worst case scenario.

Too optimistic, in case of forums its always the worst case scenario :rofl:

Even a slightly improved master looter would be a huge win over what we have currently. Not being able to trade a tier helm that drops while I use a legendary in my helm slot was some really bad design.

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once every 24 hrs would be cool. let people actually work towards mastering it.

OMGAWD relax its just a game :rofl:


Its not your loot!!! its the peoples loot!!!enemies of the people must not get loot!!!

relax its only a game
seeing people drink the coolaid for a game is a hoot

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Tell me you’ve never raided in a progression raiding guild without telling me you’ve never raided in a progression raiding guild.

you mean you have to be marxist to raid? or Borg?

net spasibo tovarishch

As long gold isn’t tradeable cross realm I don’t think GDKPs will take off in retail even with ML.

Maybe on a handful of servers (Illidan, Area 52, etc.) for their respective dominant faction, but it will be limited.

The real reason some players want ML back in the game. Making more gold per carry run!

I mean you cropped out the text saying how GDKP isn’t going to work since you can’t trade gold cross realm.

Literally the opposite.