Master looter returning in the future


I paid, I played…I get reward.

had this fun in warhammer online. I should get the gear since better types.

You needed the gear gear from the kill the king boss run it had? Its level X, you aren’t even level x. It should be mine!

true. I am 1 level short. 1 more level, I can use it . RNG liked me, I will take that. so in 1 level its not wasted.

Not so much selfishness either. the question that has me not see the value of master loot. What happens to me in my other pve venues when I give up the gear to the “chosen one”.

Will they come help me out? Not likely. Loggers gonna log. play, leave, see them next week. So I don’t even get anything from this.

Some say not a team player. I actually am. in eve are 4 titans I was a team player for. Corp said its titan fund drive time. Tax rates going to 50%…to buy this really big and expensive ship. 50% of all players money over 100K isk (think 100K) is taxed straight to corp wallet.

team effort for a team item. Player x who’d fly this…was not getting any personal gain from it. Its really a fleet only ship. So I took a money hit for the team.

I mean you can try to run pve in it solo. More than 1 titan has died in eve doing this. All it takes is a fleet to form up to kill it. send in even 1 humble lone interdictor to bubble it. and thus…its kill the titan time. dictor drops the bubble, titan can’t warp off…now you drop in 100+ people and drop that titan.

as many alliances will not save that titan. Stupid enough to do this…well then its natural selection, eve style, time.

Agree with this tbh. I mean, if a guildie isn’t happy with the way the loot mast is distributing gear, they can always g/quit, and move on to another guild. Happened a lot back in the day. Especially during the WOLK years.

Your question is already answered in this thread… read the thread?

Easier said than done when you continuously fall behind in gear because of ML abuse. At any rate old ML is dead for good the question now is how they’ll implement these meme dreams of theirs with PL. Likely answer is unrestricted trading but we’ll see if they do anything really, Ion isn’t exactly the most reliable source of anything and his answer was basically a vague verbal diarrhea and his answers vary per the interviewer note his IGN interview like 2 weeks ago or so.

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Master loot should remain dead and never come back due to the very fact that it’s toxic and if you think somehow it isn’t than you all who support it have issues and not just issue but blindly being delusional.


An earlier response to this when I said it was:


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ML isn’t toxic. People who abuse it are toxic. There’s a huge difference.

I love the insults being thrown around because you can’t stand a guild working some way you don’t want it to. LOL

I’m just gonna quote Shad:

Is the entire alliance faction like this? Played since vanilla never saw that or even HEARD of it Horde side.

If someone takes a hammer and baps you on the toe with it, you might suddenly dislike hammers. Are all hammers bad? No. It’s merely a tool. The person who bapped you on the toe with a hammer, on the other hand, is a schmuck.

Master looter is the same thing. If you get bapped on the toe with master looter, leave the guild. Stop parroting this nonsense that an inanimate object is somehow toxic. If people who use it do bad things with it, then leave their circle. You are just as accountable for your own actions.

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It happened on both sides, google “master loot drama stories” and you’ll find tons. Sound like you simply didn’t run into a situation with a corrupt ML leader.

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You set the commission you pay on the work order system. you can also get a guildie or other friend to craft it for you without needing to deal with random players.

Let me explain to you my tin foil hat theory.

The people who originally built the game designed it to be fun to play, so it would attract a lot of paying customers, who would bring their friends to play with them.

Some of the players were more hardcore. Ion was hired. BC was designed with fun featured people asked for. A lot of people really liked wrath the way it was designed, which was to be a fun and increasingly accessible game.

But others had a different opinion. They thought the game should have been the hardest core game from the start. It should never have had quality of life features added that players asked for. They regretted the fact that earlier devs had designed it around the players’ wishes, and thought that to compensate for the fact that it was intended to be a casual game from the start, that it should have taken a hard turn into hardcore play in the first expansion. And stayed that way.

To fix what they saw as a design problem that encouraged casuals to play, they developed cata dungeons. That would force those casuals to git gud. Make them interrupt. Etc.

And look what happened. So many people left the game that they had to roll back the changes. But they intended to come back later and push those dungeon changes through again. Another expansion.

Wod was the expansion to remove flight. Again, rejected by the playerbase. Again, something they intended to revisit, apparently to continue adding increasing restrictions to flight.

They have been sticking to their long-term plan. You got your harder dungeons, mythic+ dungeons with no real other choice. They added mechanics to normal leveling dungeons and starting zone mobs that were never there before. Level scaling. Take that, you casuals!

I’m sure you’ll enjoy playing “World” of Warcraft as a tiny hardcore esports lobby game with a cult following.

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Does this mean personal loot no restrictions? Anyway, I like the idea so far : ) It seems like it could give true teams back the power of min/maxing progression, while protecting pugs from not having a fair shot at loot. With this “X item on reserve” thing, you can just loot what it for yourself, leave group, and have your nice loot :laughing:

Take 2 seconds to check the loot system of the guild you are applying to if you care so much.

Anyone who says Master Looter was an abused system is smoking or lying. I have been in countless guilds throughout Classic - MoP and have seen it abused once, which I left as soon as we saw it happen. Join a good, established guild and there is zero problem. Stop making up fake problems in your head.

“Corrupt loot councils” is not really a thing

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Defend this toxic system all you want but if it was removed than their is one reason it’s deluded.

Self-entitled? It’s his guild/group!

Most of these “pro ml” people are so naive and blinded by nostalgia.
They say that there was no issues with loot. Wrong. Every week presented a new issue. Not to mention it took forever to hand out.
They say that gear was handed out fairly. Yea, right. Nothing like having to build up months of dkp to get 1 piece of gear when you could have had 3/4 of the gear you needed in those months through personal loot.
Now, of course you hear all those “if you don’t like it leave the guild.” Well, over the last years with private loot, many, many people have become accustomed to building wonderful relationships with their guild. Then, being told they are going ml.
Newsflash, ppl won’t quit the guild, they will either just quit raiding and either go casual or just quit the game.

If you are going to use the argument “the devs removed it therefore it should’ve been removed”

Then by that logic if it gets added back in by the devs then it should be added back in.

If you want me to be clearer I hope master loot rots somewhere that will be forgotten.