Master looter returning in the future

Hey, it means people will buy more tokens, what do they care who the gold goes to.


“Bro, be grateful. You could never get tier any other way before other than raiding! This is how WoW has always worked!”

Buying tier upgrades off the AH using WoW tokens. Yes, truly the peak of old-school WoW.

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Eh, I still think drops would be better that way. Less drops of rings and such on everyone’s loot table.

Also ends “armor stacking” runs to game loot which is super cheesy.

I don’t know if they could do this for dungeons unless they increased end of dungeon loot, which I feel would be better if it was 1 item per boss but that’s a whole other topic.

Tier being crafted based I think helps for the realm community but the mats/recipe need to be fairly easy to come by so prices aren’t insane. Basically the opposite of Legendaries.

I think it would be better to just make personal loot tradeable even if it is considered a higher ilvl than your current gear instead of allowing a player to have full control over loot.

So it’s literally the old system. Personally, I don’t see an issue with that.

Those types of guilds you’re worried about are the same types that would make guild rules where that tradeable personal loot has to go up for loot council or rolls. It also makes stacking runs easier.

Ehh, its going to be annoying say getting warglaives with no demon hunter in the group. Or agi daggers without a rogue. Or if you are that, and the loot drops for that is low then its annoying too.


I do not want to raid as it is. Raiding is terrible, outdated content. However, due to loot I am basically forced to.

I do not want to be forced into terrible content in a situation with corrupt loot councils. That sounds about as fun as dragging my face through a field of broken glass.

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Raiding is pretty bad

In your opinion

I think the hundreds of thousands of players enjoying LFR, Normal, Heroic and Mythic might have a bone to pick with your opinion. If you don’t like raiding why are you even in this thread? The topic doesn’t impact you at all then lol

same guy with 20 posts in a thread about Master Looter

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Such was loot back in the day when people also enjoyed raids and gearing. I personally feel like people have been spoiled and catered to a little too much with all of these personal loot changes, weekly boxes, creation catalyst, etc. But I’m old school and I enjoyed raiding and taking months to earn my gear back then.

This is why I don’t give my opinion on what should or shouldn’t exist in PvP. Because I don’t PvP and it doesn’t affect me. Let the people that have done that stuff and still have interest discuss it. For me, as a former raider who does still dabble in raiding a bit on the side with some alts and friends, this is a topic that I can give my view on, based on being a raid lead not that long ago. But if I didn’t ever raid and didn’t like it? Yeah… I wouldn’t be here.

I understand reading comprehension is hard.

Due to loot reasons you are basically forced to for item level increases or raid loot in general to optimize for m+.

It’s not my opinion. The fact that in 2022 they still cannot make mythic raiding 10 man or flex is bad engineering. That is not opinion.

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But m+ vault gives the same ilvl as raid gear barring the last 3 on Mythic Ilvl.

Timing a +15 is vastly easier than killing Mythic Anduin, but they give the same ilvl loot? Is that a bad deal for you?

And winning the lottery gives more money than an average salary. Should I quit my job and rely on winning the lottery for income?

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Wow very good comparison, you’ve done it you’ve beaten me in the argument about raiding loot. Well done.

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Well they are listening to the community i guess cuz why else would they change it ?

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Agreed. When I heard this, I was thankful. I’m hoping we go back to this as well. Guild groups / raids should have the option to run their organized events as they like.

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Here comes back the days of corrupt guild officers taking your loot and giving it to someone they like better.


I’m quoting this to highlight it because this response is always parroted to absolutely ridiculous points.

If you join a guild. Right? And if that guild has people in leadership positions that you do not agree with, or that have done something you view as wrong? Leave.

Good guilds should not have the option to handle things in ways which have worked for them be taken away because other people are too afraid, or silly, to leave a guild which shouldn’t be functioning in the first place. I’m a guild master. I’ve been GM for years. My people have never once complained about the manner in which I handled loot back when we had master looter because, shock and horror, not all GM’s / raid leaders are terrible people.

You can find a good guild. You can find a good circle of friends which can use master looter in a fair manner which makes sense for people involved. If you join a bad guild where someone thinks it’s fun to do all these “corrupt acts”, leave! You staying empowers them. You leaving shows other people they should also leave and move on from a negative circle.

Is it wrong when someone abuses power? Yes.
Is it wrong when people just stay anyway? Yes.
Are the people who stay knowing that the GM is abusing power (if it’s happening) just as guilty? You’re not gonna like the answer, but yes you are.


wtf you talking about?