Master loot should stay dead!

Yes you are because he never said the word ML nor dictatorship, this is from your mouth . His statements sound more like PL system without restrictions than any sort of ML system.

You failed to disprove what I said and in the same way prove what you said. You are in denial come out of your copium and come back to reality

Also, don’t pretend like the threat of ability bloat isn’t real cause it is. And if you don’t wanna acknowledge it than you are hurting the game in the long run.

Then people shouldn’t join a guild where trials are on trial for more than a week, two at the most. Literally no progression guild ever needed trials to last longer. One raid with them and you can tell if they’re what you want.

People could’ve solved their own problems. They chose not to and everyone else got screwed for it.

As long they are careful and safely craft this talent tree than it might last a little longer otherwise is gonna last 2 or 3 expansions.







Then we squish again. No RPG can feel rewarding and be designed endlessly in progression.

We will see what they would do…

I just keep repeating myself here.

If they make is very very clear that your entering a group where masterloot is enabled, and require a unanimous vote by group members to turn it on… then what’s the problem exactly?

This is how ML threads have been going for years since classic, ppl warned others that if you continue abusing ML it will be killed. Nobody cared and it died

Now its the reverse fallacy “not going away” but “its coming back” - no :rofl:

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the classic forums don’t seem to be flooded with ninja reports.

Like I said earlier

ML threads have been going for years since classic, ppl warned others that if you continue abusing ML it will be killed. Nobody cared and it died

Now its the reverse fallacy “not going away” but “its coming back” - no

Spamming the rofl emoji is a sure sign of a copium addict.

might wanna look into this word.

Sat the guys who failed to counter argue any point :rofl:

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You keep saying it’s coming back, without proof. But he’s the one huffing copium?

Probably why Blizz decided to bring it back. Years of support and all.

Thanks to everyone who posted in those threads alongside me in support of ML.

You bros are the true heroes. We did it!

You mean unsounded arguments ? because that’s exactly what discussion of ML has been

When ppl said its will be removed , it was defended it would not be removed based on bad arguments Now reverse is happening


Oh no! I failed to counter argue some random nobody on the forums, how will life continue?

I guess I’ll have to live with the fact that I just couldn’t beat you in an argument.

At least having ML back will at least make it easier.

It still dead and has been dead for 2 expansion and no report as such that ML is coming back other than your out of context theory :rofl:

Your incompetence and inability to find the proof is not my problem.

Keep on huffin’.