Master loot should stay dead!

I think master loot coming back would be fine with caveats.

  1. Personal Loot is still the default.
  2. It can only be applied to all guild runs. If even one pug exists, personal loot only.
  3. Guild members who have not been in the guild at least 3 months get personal loot. (This would be an account flag, not a character flag)

This stops guilds from abusing “trials” unfairly. This allows guilds who have a full raid team to opt into Master Loot if they wish. It does not allow them to exploit pugs either.


Those of who hate the great vault don’t worry it’s coming back in dragonflight! And also with 9.1.5 improvements when activated.

So…sit every single new trial for 3 months?

Seems like a good idea that couldn’t possibly backfire.

Then that’s the trial’s decision to not sit.

If the guild wants Master Loot that bad, raid with existing members.

Like it or not, guild exploited trials and that’s what led to the removal of Master Loot.


This seems too long. otherwise everything seems fine here.

You don’t need to anymore, because you can’t

Obviously and the reality is you should stop taking statements out of context so horribly and assuming 100% of this is going to be this way .

No wonder people make fun of the community council when they spew nonsense like this. Thank god you don’t have any real power.

A close tight knit guild needs master loot. If a trial wants to be part of that they need to cut their teeth and earn their spot. If they don’t like it go run with a PL guild. Those who put their time into the guild should be rewarded, not someone coming along for their first raid

I love how the master loot thread the OP wanted locked, died. Now, they made a new thread talking about master looter. Can’t make this up LOL

And the things I said don’t stop that, but keep reaching.


pretty sure you just misread what was said, and jumped to conclusions.

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If talent trees weren’t an issue why were they removed? If flying wasn’t an issue? If two hand enhance? If first aid? If original ZM/ZA?

Such a dumb question.

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Here’s the thing the community council is what we need and they are the most straight minded people in this game. And they have the foresight to support the game in a better way than most.

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Well said.

That’s how you lose new players. Good thing you aren’t a leader, you guild would be dead on arrival.

I think it’s far better that people like yourself are powerless…

Why? just have pl with no restrictions, if you guys are that close then you wouldn’t hide loot now would you . If you need Ml then you are not really that close, you don’t trust your guildmates to give up their loot

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Every single guild would do this. Trials would just have a 3 month waiting period and then you would get to start your trial. Any decent mythic guild has a crazy amount of apps, it’s not like you’re gonna run out of trials.

So you want to bring back ML only this time with more exploitation of trials?

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Why you ask? Have you not watched any of the interviews especially hazel interview with ion he specifically said the OG talent tree WASNT SUSTAINABLE!!!

and then an expansion was delayed just to balance the covenants. sounds pretty unsustainable.

I’m not. The context was ML is coming back. You are just huffing copium and throwing a tantrum because you can’t accept it.

Well, obviously none of the systems were sustainable in the first place these systems were designed to FIGHT AGAINST BLOAT!

Dang that’s crazy… anyways, Ion is putting in the old style talent tree with some touch ups back in. And like he said ‘how the tree shapes later on shouldn’t be a reason to remove it now, that’s a future dev problem’