Master loot should stay dead!

You’re whole point is outcome based. if hypothetically ML comes back your point is ruined.
which means if ML never comes back, your point is still ruined.

If you can’t back up your own statements, that means you yourself don’t believe it and are just trolling at this point.

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Bring your proof, troll.

Burden of proof falls on the believers shoulders.

Huff huff huff huff

(If I want it to not be true enough it won’t be true)

Stop huffin its bad for you

Make it so it only applies in guild groups. Problem solved.

Wasn’t really a problem, but it was also understood that for the first 2-4 weeks a trial would get no loot. On the plus side, because loot had been given to everyone else over those weeks once that player was no longer a trial they got many pieces a night.

Sounds like a toxic guild issue, and likely wasn’t fixed by removing ML. In fact, with tradeable personal loot it possibly happens more but others dont know about it.

Ohgnoes. Who cares what the top 10 world guilds are doing, it didn’t affect anyone that matters.

Honestly, I see no reason not to bring it back. It works perfectly in TBCC. People just need to be more clear about what the rules are before a run, and if it’s a guild run then the officers need to be clear on who has priority etc. Then if people don’t like it, they can bugger off to another guild.

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Or it means I don’t care even a little whether or not you believe me.

When I’m happily using my preferred loot system again you can still be posting in this thread about how I “have no evidence”.

it actually falls on the positive claim. you’re both believers here.

Says the kid that has never done a heroic raid! Why is this A thing! You don’t do the content so stop trying to moderate the content!

I don’t mind being proven wrong by Blizzard That’s totally fine, if it comes back and I don’t mean some different loot systems that is hybridized. I mean the original ML system based on Blizzard reasoning I will accept it. But that’s a BIG IF - good luck

It actually doesn’t matter at all, as none of what you or me or anyone else believes is a factor at all in whether or not ML is coming back.

For the record, it is. If anyone genuinely cares to see for themselves they can go watch the interview.

So you are admitting you have NO proof and ARE admitting you’re a troll.

Depends on how you’re using believer… I use the term all the time when debating religious people. He believes ML is coming back, therefore he is the believer in my comment… it’s how it’s always worked, you believe something is true? Provide the proof.

HAH, ok then. You’ve shown quite the opposite in your posts.

I don’t need to do anything to proof anything since master loot has always been toxic right from the start and it didn’t show it’s true colors until around I don’t know later in the games life like in legion and then in BFA where they removed it permanently from the game. So nice try on slamming me with my armory cause I don’t care about my own page and plus I don’t flash it all around.

No, but you’re admitting you can’t read.

you believe it is not coming back, and you believe that is the truth.

Gotcha, at least you know you’re a troll that makes a claim without evidence to the claim.

Glad we cleared that up.

I’m not arguing semantics with you… you know what I meant, but you just want to be argumentative.

Yeah that’s what happening you are trolling at this point, you are actually a dis service to your goals of bring ML back. You can’t defends your points, you resort to name-calling and continue to huff :rofl:

The more you yap the less likely ML is going to come back. You are definitely not part of guild that use ML responsibly for sure. Or maybe you don’t actually control the ML in your group when ML existed.

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Lol I’m fine with whatever label you wanna slap on me as long as I get ML.

Mm, doesn’t solve that problem alas. Either they swap the loot mode or they give loot to someone else instead of who it was supposed to go to.

It was, hence the change.

False, look no further than this thread and people quoting ‘trials are for 1 week’ but also mention how there’s an unlimited amount of trials for many guilds if they want anyways.

It was, hence personal loot and not being able to trade stuff unless you had the ilvl to trade it.

Can happen, a lot less likely. Why you don’t really see people talk about it and instead see people complain that “Oh that dropped for X player but not this person instead.”

Lead by example, and people will tend to follow it in a lot of ways.

I see a lot of GDKP and all the drama there, but people that are not interested in that style of raiding… guess what? Tend to stick with retail instead.

Never worked as a result of ML Giving guilds more power over others, so more people used it and it became an issue of 1) Finding a guild with a GM/Officers that used PL. 2) Raid at the times you can be around 3) a guild you got along enough with 4) possibly transferring servers and all that comes with that, or even faction change.

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