Master loot should stay dead!

What if all the people who got kicked made a guild and used PL? :thinking:

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If you people thought that master loot was so BENEFICIAL and Detrimental to the game than why was it removed huh? ANY DEFENSE OR ANY REBUTTALS

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Where did he say 100% dictatorship this is your statement it not Ion’, you made an assumption from his statement and considered it proof. That is not proof that is an assumption :rofl:

You could not disprove that the system could be pl with no trade restrictions. Other than No ,no no no
You never could not counter argue that your guild = /=community of ml users who absued ML and was responsible of it removal
You never could counter argue that dictatorship never works anywhere and has history of failing spectacularly

You are blind to believe a system like ML is coming back , if death threats to Blizzard and employees from Pro ML players didn’t do it in BFA nothing will :rofl:

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If you thought ML was so horrible and bad for the game why is it getting added back in huh? ANY DEFENSE OR ANY REBUTTALS?

devs wanted to slow down progression guilds, and PL does that through rng.


Only negative I see with it is browsing LFG and seeing “Guild Run…etc etc fast boss kills”. Pug players tend to like the guild runs because they are a bit more organized and tend to end with successive boss kills.

When those pug players are unaware that distribution is set to master loot then it will cost them a wasted boss kill with 0% chance at any gear/rewards; because they didn’t know it was master loot and possibly get gimped by the guild.

If master loot returns; it needs a built in roll system. AFTER the loot has been distributed to the winning rolls can the gear be traded so as to not slight the players of a reward they won and adhered to any conditions such as “reserves etc…”. Even a built in roll system isn’t going to fix mischievousness or lying though - Everyone agrees that whoever wins x item, after the roll they will give it to x person and they don’t. 2 sides of the same coin pretty much.

Personal loot protects all players and all agencies and removes variables, and Blizzard has designed it pretty well. They even threw in weekly chest/vault gear as a bonus that 100% gives gear (still rng on which pieces, but that’s the game we play anyway).

Were we not talking about GMs? You stated earlier you aren’t one.

Well you had a few good experience because you don’t mind getting in line when they tell you to.

You don’t have to agree, but yes… I HAVE EVERY RIGHT.

You have any proof of that?

From what my guild saw in Legion.

There was a built in luck mechanic that actually made Personal Loot slightly better in gearing the raid as a whole. We didn’t have anything but our own experience to go off of, but what we found was that PL had baked in better loot.

We stuck with Personal Loot, because our guild didn’t give a damn about who got what.

we are a normal raiding guild , we need ML .

Whats toxic is people who put themselves over the team . If a piece of loot for example gives player A a 400 increase in dps and player B a 150 then it should go to player A every single time because thats what benifits the TEAM the most


In his interview with Asmongold. I still don’t care if you believe me lol.

Well it’s a good thing I didn’t need to be able to do any of these things for ML to come back :upside_down_face:

I hope I don’t lose DKP for standing in the fire because I can’t see.

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It was visible when this was the system. now you’re just using not using your eyes as a defense.

Also asking what the loot rules were was a standard at the time.

I don’t know if you’ve checked the forum, but apparently the vault is a hated system.

You can cover your ears , close your eyes and act dumb. Nobody cares

Because you can’t disprove it , its fact

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Trials aren’t supposed to be getting loot. They are literally there for a trial. They should only get loot if it’s something nobody else needs or wants


Vault is coming back in dragonflight LMAO NICE ONE!!!

I really don’t. Please just let me play the game I want and you do you in your PL guild with your friends.

No you don’t. I think you are the one with control issues my friend…trying to judge every single GM because you had a bad experience.

Oh so you are saying certain people doesn’t deserve any loot. When they helped and killed the boss? This is the very reason as to why master loot was banished from the game in the first place.

Ah yes, ye olde ‘new workers shouldn’t get pay, because they’re trialing for the job to see if they’re a fit’. If you’re there and put your time in, you’re just as deserving of loot as anyone else.

Because they haven’t fixed issues of the vault. Like it giving higher ilvl loot than normally what you get, and how you can still get every slot being something you already have.

Also all the people saying ML is ‘coming back so haha deal with it’ just pay more attention to Ions wording. He said “He would like” Master loot to come back but it would need to be changed, and didn’t even give a time line.

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I can and will judge whoever I want, whenever I want… it is my right. Whether you like it or not.

No, because your way ruins the game for many that loath ML and it’s obviously unfair loot distribution… ML only makes it better for the minority and power hungry GMs.

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And what are the issues?

I actually opened them during the Asmongold interview and was pleased to hear ML is coming back.

Lol bro what are you even talking about?

Prove this disprove that.

To who? Are we in court? Is there a judge somewhere that I don’t know about?

Blizzard is gonna do what they are gonna regardless of who “wins” a stupid argument on the forums. Come back to reality.