Master loot should stay dead!

I will posit a question to you.

What stops other people from adopting our mentality? Its a hold over from another point in our lives, but its also something ingrained we cannot get rid of or avoid. I wouldn’t consider the mentality special.

Master loot should rot somewhere and be forgotten.


Based on the statement provided that will be the case . You still failed to quote his statement that says 100% dictatorship other than than your assumption.

Your guild =/= community of player who use ML and you don’t care how they use ML as its none of your business yet they are the ones responsible for loss of ML , this is the part which you don’t get.

Say the one thinking that dictatorship loot is coming back with zero evidence

Someone got passed up for that phat trinket drop.

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Generally when people include additional info, its for a reason. If you had no connection between the two, why even add it?

I though we were having a discussion, I’ve not sensed hostility…

The problem is any guild worth anything… is gonna go ML because the people that run these guilds are already elitest control freaks. ML coming back will impact raiding overall. The problem being the leadership.


LOL you are going to copium overdose be careful little guy.

It’s coming back, if you want to enjoy the time you have remaining being in denial I suppose that’s your prerogative.

Defend a system that isn’t desired by most. If you think you supporters are the super majority I’ll row my eyes and be like you’re joking. Because every where I go people hate master loot and not one support for it. Nice try.

Says the one huffing it more, can’t make a counter argument let use names

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That’s rather judgemental of you. Running a guild is a LOT of work that most GM’s do for free. I don’t envy their job for a second, but I appreciate everything they do.


Master loot was great and I hope it makes a return. It actually rewarded raid leading a pug by allowing the raid lead to res gear for themselves.

Personal loot won’t be removed either, so you could just choose to join a PL pug or guild.

Having more options is always a good thing.

Think carefully about this for a second.

What would be the odds that you would interact with a vast majority of players who…like Master Looter, and want it to come back.

These people would be diametrically opposed to so many things you like. The reason you only know people who like Personal Loot, and hate Master Looter is, because you surround yourself with people like you.

After reading what I just wrote;

You have no way of knowing this. Nor do I, but I am not claiming to know, and you are.

I have every right to be judgmental. GM’s while they usually put the most work in, are also more than likely the most corrupt and have the largest egos. That playing a major part in why they like ML… I hope it never comes back, so raiding isn’t ruined for me and many who feel the same about ML.


A counter argument for what?

I told you what Ion said in the interview and you broke down and started asking me for direct quotes or some nonsense as if I care whether or not you believe me.

You can go watch the interview and be sad when you see I’m right, or you can keep huffing that copium. The choice is yours little guy.


Master loot yes or no choose no get kicked and those who still vote no gets kicked. Let’s find those who supports and role the same mindset.

Personal loot is set as default and be forced and should be the permanent setting for world of Warcraft as a whole.

Nice try on combating.

Do you honestly think in retail, with access to all of the servers in the region, guilds/groups wouldn’t be perfectly willing to screw over any group knowing there is no effective consequence? Heck I played one one of the top severs in Vanilla (hint: I got to put my claws on the infamous Leeroy Jenkins on more than 1 occasion) and there was a well known Horde guild full of donkeyhats who openly bragged about ninjaing gear. Their stance was they’re better than you so they’ll do more with it than you so you should be grateful to have it stolen from you. Literally.

They were still going even up through Naxx in Wrath when I made the jump for other reasons. In fact I even remember it…a warrior was pitching a fit because they ninja’d gear (was either a helm or the tier gloves if I recall) and he was warning people never to group with them…and not only were they there bragging about it, as usual, but other people in trade were agreeing with them saying you deserve to be ninja’d if you run with their groups…it’s what they do and who they are. You run with them TO get the experience of being screwed over/ninja’d.

I am confused.

You raid with people who like Personal Loot.


You feel your raid experience will be diminished because…other people will be using Master Loot.

Please connect the dots.



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No you don’t. Judging every GM in the game because you had a few crap ones is irresponsible and wrong.

False. In 2022 how do you think people become GM? Sometimes it’s from the charter on up, but more often than not the GM quits and someone has to step in.

Often times it’s the humble guy that really doesn’t want to be GM that takes the job because he’s the only one everyone agrees would be good for the position.

It plays zero part in why I like it.

I hope it does.

Not even gonna counter my response that has a pretty reasonable basis.
That’s fine.

If you only go to where you find people like yourself, that’s called an echo chamber.

But you only raid with friends. I think we’ve been here before. Are you afraid your friends will steal your loot?

There’s a typo somewhere here right?

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