Master loot should stay dead!

Didn’t work with ML and no loot system was discussed to confirm it is even 1 % dictatorship loot let alone 100 :rofl:

I said “if” it came back unrestricted we’d get videos like whatever was linked. I said earlier I can totally see it coming back but with restrictions like forcing PL on any groups that use the LFG tool to find people because even if a group tried to skirt around that restriction by making applicants join communities first, at least it’s obvious it’ll be a ML group and you can make decisions accordingly.

Personally, I don’t even know why Blizzard would waste their time tweaking and fixing a 'dead" tool, but I don’t care either way. I think their time is better served just tweaking PL to allow people to trade gear without restrictions to eligible group members, but Blizzard is gonna do what they want anyway.

Just because you missed the discussion doesn’t mean it wasn’t discussed.

Ion said specifically he wants to get back to a point where the boss dies and it has 4 items on the corpse that the team gets to decide how to distribute.

The only way that works is if you allow dictatorship loot. If Blizzard’s philosophy is to let the players decide for themselves…then some players are going to decide to go with a dictatorship. Others will decide to use a council, or DKP, or whatever.

The point is, if you listened to the interview and have 2 brain cells to rub together, you would know this.

Let me rephrase… I will not raid with people who use ML.

I’m gonna just assume you misunderstood what I was saying… the friend comment, was secondary and not about ML. ML is the reason I loathed joining guilds back in the day and when I did raid… because of losers in Wrath with their love of ML and having that control, because people are trash. It’s not fun having to wait your turn because you aren’t the GL or an officers friend. So I stopped raiding, until about Legion when my friends wanted to raid.

Personal loot is superior. Why do you think ML is a good thing? Is it the control you enjoy? Being able to give your friends the gear and not someone who needs it more? If those aren’t it, what is your reasoning for it.


Thallia, I usually agree with you, and usually get hungry when talking about popcorn with you, but honestly, I don’t want any restrictions. I just want to be a ninja.

Could be PL with no trade restrictions

Quote me a line where watcher said exactly the words " I am making a loot system that is 100 % dictatorship " go

Your brain cells assumes toooo much

I think they should do both. Looting options done correctly should have choices, imo.

Oh, okay. Thanks for clarifying!

Mmm… popcorn… :yum:

You do you, boo! :kissing_heart:


Cool, so you get to enjoy the game and people who enjoy ML get to enjoy the game.

Have fun.


And I am not on the loot council. I don’t want to be.

I enjoy feeling like I have control in the sense that if I log in for every raid and perform well and am generally a good team member my guild will reward me with loot over people who have spotty attendance or just joined the guild or whatever.

To me…being rewarded for loyalty and consistency is more fair than the item just randomly being placed in someone’s bags.

Do you know how tilting it is when you spend 200+ pulls on a boss, then farm it for 4 months looking for a specific item…and a trial comes in and dies instantly…gets carried for the entire fight and is rewarded with the item you wanted?

This randomness is just objectively worse than having a council or master looter weigh the overall effort each team member has put in for the entire tier, while also factoring in how big of an upgrade it would be etc.


No it couldn’t. He specifically said the items should be on the bosses corpse.

You guys live in 2007 it seems. Masterlooter in classic wow works just fine. Instead of ninjaing people simply hardress an item before others even join. They dont want to get hunted down and I doubt people would like that on retail in 2022 either.

Sure in guilds the officers / gm might take the first precious item on drop, but if its a well put together group and they maybe never took any loot before then I dont know what to say but that there is more to it than just higher ranks in guilds taking good loot over others.

Obviously you have to loot boss to get the gear even in PL, 4 items dropped, 4 ppl got loot now decide who gets it. which is why ppl don’t loot as they do not want to trade and wait for it in the mail .

What part of Dictatorship always fails you don’t get, it doesn’t even work in the real world and absolutely has no chance in an on-line environments.

ML was removed from pugs in WOD and became a guild only thing. However guilds themselves proved immature of handling this as they are incapable of social policing their own community and Blizzard didn’t want to do it either . So they ran a test in Antrous raid with the trinket which drops PL only and it was a success , ML players ran it every week just to grind it. After that next expansion ML was killed.

I have always raided with majority veteran groups. We have a difficult time making people keep loot they win, to include myself.

Loyalty? I don’t understand how it’s more fair for people to get put in a line and be told they can’t have the item this week when it drops vs participating and always having a chance to get that item if dropped. If you already got it… guess what, you can give it to someone else who needs it.

This is literally ML. It sucks seeing some random person who wasn’t helpful get it who just joined… but it’s still the only fair way. Why should anyone be locked out of getting an item?

That is purely opinion. If I’m not playing with friends, my goal is for MY character to get upgrades. You spoke of loyalty earlier… I’m not loyal to a guild until they prove they’re worth being loyal to… but telling me I’m last in line for somethin and am part of your team… kinda makes me feel like you don’t want me to play with yeh.

That’s great can you confidently say this is happening to everyone ?
can you tell me are guys helping other guilds to do the same, or its not your problem so you don’t care?

Like I said

This is what we expect in pugs not among guilds and you all failed spectacularly.

Hell no. That’s kind of one of the reasons we stick together.

Pretty much. That’s why we didn’t really care in Legion when they made Personal Loot a thing. We shrugged our shoulders, moved out, and killed bosses.

No no no, that’s not what Ion said.

He said he wants to go back to where players kill the boss…and then you see the items on the corpse. Items plural…not every person right-clicks and then is either awarded gold or whatever their personal RNG box dictates.

Didn’t fail in my guild. Worked just fine. I enjoyed it too, even though I was not the dictator nor on his council.

No they didn’t. Find me one single horror story of ML being abused in Legion. It wasn’t a thing.

You ate clearly just trolling at this point and have obviously not watched the interview.

Enjoy huffing that copium when dictatorship loot returns.

if you only raid with friends, why do you care about masterloot? are your friends not trustworthy?

It’s actually worse nowadays. The internet is no longer new. Look around and see how selfish and entitled most people are. Do you actually think the worse actors will not take advantage of masterloot?


I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you didn’t read my comment after… that friend comment, clearly had nothing to do with ML. I separated the sentence, hoping ppl would be able to put 2 and 2 together.

Join a PL guild then. I never asked you to understand why I prefer PL or to share my feelings on the subject.

Yup. Which is why I’m not advocating for the removal of PL. I recognize some people prefer this system and respect their opinions.