Master loot should stay dead!

You only dwell on what if’s huh?

Your fragile mind can’t get past: what if’s.

I am concerned about your mental health. You should go get checked out. What if you have a serious condition?

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I mean with regards to the future this is a good strategy lol. Everything in the future is a what if.


Thanks for showing yourself as weak.


and the added fact that blizz didnt want you progressing faster. They dont want you consuming content any faster.If it takes you an extra month to beat it, thats a bonus for them.

It was never about running out of content I just love these ignorant comments when it’s about combating loot toxicity over who gets this or that loot and forcing others to give up their loot when it’s up to the person who looted to give it up or not. And this is why master loot was removed because of these toxic and abusive behavior and problems and issues and the constant DMs to the game developers so yah that’s a strong case against master loot from ever coming back.

And neither have you people have provided any STRONG data and claims of how positive and popular and non issue on master loot. Oh wait their isn’t any because everyone knows it was a MASSIVE issue in the first place it only took a good long while for people to realize master loot is a abusive system but when they realize in LEGION that’s when they took to all form of media to take down master loot and remove it permanently from the game.

Nice try on painting that feature as a positive feature!


The last time we had Master Loot it was already locked to 80%+ guild groups. So this is likely going to be a non-issue for you since you are claiming to be outside of these organized groups.

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Why do they pretend like they can’t avoid making things difficult?

Just give both options.


They seldom are. Or even if they are then it tends to be on lower difficulties where PL was actually the majority in legion anyway lol.
They are just so loot focused that they cant even conceive of a world where people are not loot focused and wanting to take loot over killing bosses/ making friends because that’s how they are themselves.

They call people greedy and abusive with loot etc but its the ultimate projection lol.

There is nothing wrong with people having different priorities etc of course but its foolish for anyone to think that 1 loot system would be appropriate for people with such different priorities. Which is why we want to be able to choose what is appropriate for our own groups.

They don’t want to play like us which is 100% fine of course. What I don’t think is fine is that they want to force us to play like them.


What’s the over under on Orctang being older than his character’s level IRL?

I think that’s the 5th “I know you are but what am I” in a row you posted LOL.

I know you are under my character’s level IRL, based on your comments.

I like demonstrating the low quality of your comments. :rofl:

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Is that you D.J. Khaled?


What if it isn’t your age but your mentality level?

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If this is how quickly you devolve into personal insults from making actual points in an argument, it suddenly makes sense why you don’t like player agency to make decisions you might not agree with.


Wrong, I am just following their lead.

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whatever lets you sleep at night kid

Sure thing kid.

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How do you figure? Judging by how butthurt people get over the mere mention of ML, what makes you think any RL is going to get anyone to sign up to his ML raid? Meanwhile, everyone will be flocking to the PL raids. I’m curious how you think those ML raids will even get off the ground if nobody wants ML. To say we’ll start seeing primarily ML raids simply doesn’t jive with your own logic


they certainly dont seem to be in a hurry to let you gear up any faster. So keep whining about gear you cant trade and how much you would really like loot communism back. Dont hold your breath about it changing any time soon. No matter how much you hit each other with a dead halibut, nothing is changing before christmas, but raiders will still be paying $15 a month.

Because if you’re pugging then you’re not assisting the guild with their kills? The whole point of joining a guild is to help them kill things. As for not getting gear, you may still have gotten some if other longstanding members didn’t need it. If gear is your only reason for raiding though, rather than helping your team kill bosses and having fun then there’s a good chance the guild wouldn’t be a good fit for you anyway.

I’m 100% down for it returning as a guild-only option, in fact I think most people are and it eliminates any issues of pugs or people not understanding the system. As for banning trials or allowing everyone to roll, that is entirely on the guild themselves. If they want to prioritise existing members over trials that’s up to them, and it should be on both them and the trials to understand the loot restrictions prior to raiding.

In the even that it does come back, make it purely for 100% guild runs. As soon as a pug joins, it reverts to PL. Then it’s on the guilds and players to enforce/determine social rules, which shouldn’t be enforced by Blizzard.

Blizz is trying to minimize difficulty for blizz. They dont care if it is difficult for you.