Master loot should stay dead!

Well you took that one sentence and ignored the reasoning to it afterwards… stop while you are behind.

people who have lives do just this, because its more stable.

kinda gets worrying when they constantly compare getting loot to getting a paycheck.


I didn’t ignore it…it just doesn’t match up with the overwhelming majority of people who won’t raid under ML. So sure, you might see a bunch of groups in LFG trying to form a raid with ML, but no one’s going to sign up for them…as evidenced by the responses in this thread.

Whatever helps you sleep at night bud… you really think it’s the “overwhelming majority” lol, kid don’t know he’s the minority… no point trying to speak logic someone who is so willfully ignorant.

I’m sorry, I must’ve been mistaken. You think the overwhelming majority want ML back? I’m certainly do, but from the comments here it seemed like most people don’t. And when most people don’t, then I have a hard time believing that ML will become the norm.

Refer to my prior comment.

Lol k, and you can refer to mine

So guild groups should not have the option? Do you know how much it sucks for an item that drops that you don’t need and someone else does and cannot trade because it’s an higher ilvl than what you have on because Blizz still cannot get the ilvl system right? If the group is considered a guild group, sure let it be an option. If pugs want to do ML then there needs to be a majority vote and with enough yes or no it can be toggled.

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“Not everyone has time to find a proper raid guild and then go along with whatever schedule said guild decides to go with. Some of us have a life.”

This is LITERALLY how almost the entire community raids. You find a guild/raid group that fits your schedule, there is ALL kinds out there. I work 40 hours a week like everyone else, have a almost 3 year old and married. What do I do? Play after 7:30pm and raid Fri/Sat nights 9pm to 12am. It’s amazing how people can’t think for themselves.

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I agree 100%

Your problem isn’t PL… it’s the ilvl lock, which I can agree is pretty dumb.

You can literally just look in this thread at how all the horror stories etc came from prior to PL being an option.
When both were options there were very few issues that people bring up. They all come from wrath or cata or something like that would be relevant when we have legion to look at.

I have a prior comment addressing… this, it’s short…

“If there were very few issues… why was it removed?”

Couldn’t be that the system has a history of abuse, but I’ve come to the conclusion that the pro-ML side avoids the truth and refutes logic.

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Because it prolonged progression in raids and helped them keep people subbed.
Especially with forging at the same time. What a mess that was.

The big issue with the Master looter system was it could be abused, not just by guilds but by pugs too. When servers were only servers before any cross realm grouping happened, the Master loot System was the only way people got gear.

Now Some people honored the system, don’t get me wrong there. However you came across more abuse then Honor with it overall. Even with guild rules or group rules in place, once Master Loot was on, you were at the person’s mercy when it came to drops.

(The Need/Greed system was also (And removed) abused for different reasons as the game didn’t take a account of the person’s class or spec when it came to loot in general.)

When cross realm grouping started up, server ninjas could abuse the system with more people effected since these players weren’t on their server and chances you encountered them again was small to no chance at all they could continue the use of the flawed Master Loot system.

In raiding guilds, you had a chance the guild wouldn’t be honest with the system. This happened to me in TBC where the same player won the same slot of gear 3 straight times with the rule of linking your current piece of gear. Since the guild would have master loot on, they could give the same player loot despite they have gotten the same slot over and over while others are denied loot.

Yes, personal loot has it’s flaws. They just need to add some form of bad luck protection in the background if a certain slot has not dropped too tradable non-tier pieces if the item you got would be better for someone else in the raid despite it’s item lvl increase you get from it.

My favorite loot master trick was the following.

Change the focus of the guild to suit who you want the loot to go to. If they are lower on dps, then focus on attendance. If they are low on attendance, then focus on dps. If they are in the middle then do a random roll, if they win…great! If they don’t, then override the roll by mistake or claim the following: participation awards, best in slot, good of the guild, trying to attract a new member, highest upgrade, or simply they haven’t gotten loot in a really really long time.

The less people who need the particular item the more you can get away with this. (no one really pays attention if it’s not something they need for themselves or a friend) Never ever do this on an item that covers multiple classes, because everyone will be paying attention to that. Also, when people figure it out always act like you have no clue what in the heck they are talking about. (Gaslighting 101). When they fight you throw shade at them using the word “teamwork”. Wash rinse and repeat this until they simply walk away because the fight is just not worth it.

Bump! +1,000,000

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