Master loot should stay dead!

Because someone got overlooked for gear in cataclysm and they are still using it to scare people all this time later. When realistically half the time they had loot “stolen” it was given to the better choice anyway and they just wanted something and didn’t get it. :man_shrugging:

Doesn’t matter, we’re getting a form of ML back in the future now.

We have won


Not everyone has time to find a proper raid guild and then go along with whatever schedule said guild decides to go with. Some of us have a life.

Ah yes the 9 jobs, 14 kids and 4 wives that stop people being able to do even the slightest amount of due diligence for anything in the game. Amazing how people can be such fully functional adults for everything in their life and then all of a sudden become these meek wilted people when they are told that the guild does loot in a way they don’t like that they are unable to do anything about it and need daddy bliz to take care of them by forcing everyone in game to do things their way.


If you had a life you wouldn’t be posting on the WoW GD forums.


Don’t forget its really late also

Lol this kid still on the copium train.

Yeah, you are! I wonder when this kid will get off of it…

Choice isn’t bad. The problem is you strain the rights of the majority… because of a small minority. We’ll start seeing a shift to mostly seeing ML, because again… most people cannot control themselves, an ounce of power turns into a power trip. New guild members all of a sudden gotta wait 2+ weeks to even both bothered for an item, just to wait in a line to get it next… that’s if the item is even dropping. Why is it so difficult to give EVERYONE a chance at those items right away? PL, gives you that. Plus less lost items due to dropping for classes that aren’t present. PL gives you the choice to select the option of others specs to drop gear, so if a boss gives no tank items and a good healing item… boom.

This has never been about choice, it’s about the fact that the few will always ruin whats good for the many. This is a game, not real life. Why is it hard for people to try and pursue fairplay?

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What will you do if you are wrong and ML comes back?

Will you cry?

Will you yell?

Will you just seethe and cope silently?

I won’t be wrong…

Wll you cry?

Will you yell?

Will you just lay their stupefied? Oh wait, this is your normal state huh kid?

But what if you are though?

I won’t be based on Blizzard’s comments already about it.

Blizzard shouldn’t punish people for wanting to play the game the way they want. Master Loot should come back.


What if you misinterpreted the comments and it turns out you’re wrong?

Your fragile mind can’t even entertain the idea can it?

I kind of hope it doesn’t come back now just because I’m legitimately concerned about what it would do to your mental health.

It amazes me how this is still a talking point when it wasn’t the case in legion.

Incredible how powerful misinformation can be.


It was removed for a reason, just because you can’t defend against it… doesn’t mean it isn’t a valid talking point.

Also to say something isn’t a problem, when the “non-problem” was removed… kinda goes against everything you’re saying.


Exagumon is the type of guy to say Master Loot is toxic yet, if he was the group leader, he would abuse the Scheiße! out of it.


Go ahead keep on dreaming cause you all are proving my exact point you people are toxic and that system just supports that behavior. Also, master loot is not coming back and I hope it stays dead. I just love how you people portray master loot is somehow the best system that has ever existed and created.

Just add to it why most people never speak up cause they just want to pretend that master loot is not a problem when it is part of the whole problem. And if and when blizzard brought master loot back good luck cause the forums will be in full blast to make blizzard to get rid of it in its entirety again.

So go ahead and proof me wrong about master loot that somehow isn’t toxic and not problematic.


Dude, this has been the forums for like 17 years now lol.

Have you ever been over to the story forums? SCHEIẞE! was really wild back in the 2010-2012 days.

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