Master loot should stay dead!

Can you please go back and read my entire post before making stuff up?

  • I was poached by a guild during a pug run. They asked me to join, I figured “why not”.
  • The next week, I was informed that I was on trial status and wouldn’t receive loot. I was also given a link to their spreadsheet. At this point, I figured that whilst not ideal, I could continue to pug before the guild run for loot.
  • The second week, after I had completed another guild run, I was informed that pugging was not allowed. I THEN PROMPTLY LEFT THE GUILD.

So you found out that the guild would not give you and gear and did didnt gquit in the length of time it takes to type /gquit?
They told you what would happen and you chose to join/stay with them. Thats on you.
Every guild I have ever been in has been clear around their loot rules and if they werent then I wouldnt have joined.

The player base dictates what guilds can and cant do.
Its not rocket surgery.


Let’s also be honest about the real reason why ML was removed by Blizzard in the first place:

Endless amounts of support tickets from players reporting that a piece of loot got ninja’d because the raid leader wrote “MS > OS” in chat, and Blizzard doesn’t recognize that statement as a valid contract between players.

So enough people were getting screwed over by the system that Blizzard finally had enough of having to deal with the fallout.

Unless someone can come up with a solution to this, ML won’t be coming back. And no, popping up a warning, saying that you might get screwed over, isn’t a solution.

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personal loot was a huge improvement to the game

but it’s gone too far with them removing more on-kill loot over time and the rise of the “vault” where we get more and more just 1 piece of loot per week. and that’s if we are lucky and have played 10-20 hours loading it up every week.

removal of master loot was part of these bad changes

if they reinstated master loot option for guild groups it would be guild positive (which is good) and it would force them to take a look at their crap loot model right now (ALSO VERY GOOD)

Yes it was removed for a reason, that reason being so they could employ less GMs because they could remove the endless and usually unfounded ticket complains about loot being ninja’d. Most people who got abused by ML were a victim of their own stupidity. Make the RL state the loot rules in chat (not voice). If they ignored you or never gave a clear answer that should have been your queue that something fishy was up for one or more item drops in the raid. ML was never the problem, uneducated and gullible people were.


That and abusive raid leaders that use ML to funnel loot to friends and themselves.


Legit? No… why is it a problem for me to pug for gear, since I’m not going to get any as a trial… I mean my goal of raiding is to get geared. Being a trial goes against that.

If it comes back, it should only be available to purely guild runs, trials are not a thing and everyone gets to roll for the items they need. It’s literally the only fair option. Telling people they can’t roll for something is a slap in the face… if you went to work and your boss said we can’t pay you for your time, but we need you hear to help; it not being a choice… are you going to do anything? No you ain’t and lying about saying you would is pure insanity.

The problem is if it’s not locked to purely guild runs… people are going to use it and abuse it. The only people who want master loot are the classic boomers and ego maniacs, because people love having power.


Funny that coming out of your mouth. Hang on let me get Will Smith.

Your arguments aren’t really doing your stance any positives on this thread. I say keep it up and you won’t ever get any changes in game.

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Do you need a step by step guide of how to deal with ML in pugs?

1, see a group is listed as using master loot
2, keep scrolking
3, oh wait no that actually all of them. Only 2 steps.
Or if it isn’t listed then you join the group see its ml and leave instantly.

If you don’t want to use it don’t join the groups. If it isn’t popular then the groups that try to use it won’t full because so many people would prefer PL and if PL is so much more desirable then there will be plenty of group’s using it.

Or they could just have it how it was last time it was in the game and require it to be a guild run in the first place.

I dont see what’s complicated about giving options that people can choose to use or not use as they wish.


Well, clearly you don’t get the point of it… people + power = less choice + more ML.

You don’t understand human nature and it’s clear with what bad points you keep attempting.

What I say I’m this thread won’t make a difference either way so Meh.
I do find it odd though that you think PL only as the forces loot system is them “being fully inclusive to all players” when clearly some people would like options. Wouldn’t being fully inclusive to all players be giving them options? Or the being inclusive only counts when it suits you?

You can talk about hypotheticals all you want but I’m going off what actually happened when it was in the game a few years ago. Not even that long ago really

Yea, it was removed due to abuse after years of complaining about it.

But you keep telling yourself whatever you need to hear… I’ll be here for the “i told you so” because I am going to be super petty.


Top 20 Pro ML (only)- assumptions I have heard during my many years of seeing this topic:

  1. No other player is affected by you leaving the guild but the evil guild leaders.
  2. All Problems can be solved with “just leave if the leadership won’t listen”.
  3. The guild leadership does not constantly rotate with new officers and always stays the same.
  4. Rules are always strictly upheld for all equally.
  5. It’s super easy to find a raiding group at your level…they are around every corner filled with people you will love.
  6. There will be some raiding groups at your level who can resist the urge to micromanage the loot to their favor and will become PL.
  7. Swapping severs to find and try these guilds cost no RL money.
  8. There is no progress lost to spending a week or two to test out a guild.
  9. All bad guilds will reveal their evil side within hours of entry.
  10. People have no anxiety disorders that prevent them from leadership roles.
  11. People can automatically get good when told to do so.
  12. Guild leaders never favor specific players by changing the format rule structure focus. (aka: today we are favoring attendance, until the final boss, then we focus on dps!, tomorrow is who lives the longest.)
  13. Master looter is completely safe and is almost never abused.
  14. If they don’t say anything then it’s all ok.
  15. Players don’t want to stay in the guild to be with friends they are only there for good leaders.
  16. Players who believe in different loot systems can never get along.
  17. Loot needs to be used as bait to keep players in line. No other perks can be used.
  18. It’s never ok when someone else does it, But it is ok when we do it.
  19. Players should gear themselves when not in raid so the guild can focus on gearing the important players.
  20. All guild problems can be solved by telling the lowist dps to shut-up.

I do think they can make some changes that would help support more options but ML is not going to be it.

Obviously, some changes can be made to loot and the current loot system to help with players being able to trade gear more effectively.

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I said it with raider io complains, I’ll say it for this one. If so many dislike it that it becomes a problem, it should be an easy fix to band together in PL right?

And why oh why is GD super fine telling people not to fly, not to use Warmode, not to use the hypothetical housing if we don’t like it but when it comes to GUILD loot system, you have to remove our choice?


Yea that’s the biggest unanswered question I think. Which i don’t expect them to answer or even attempt to answer tbh because the never do.

Second biggest unanswered question that they like to avaoid is, if its such a problem why is rc loot counsel (which pretty much everyone uses) not having any of the issues that they say ml will have?

My preferred changes would be PL no trade restrictions.

BUT also change the order in how loot is decided.

Right now it’s first who gets loot then what drop they get.

I want it to be first what item drops then who gets it according to their loot spec.

Why can’t they allow the raid to have a vote on PL or ML? Seriously, make a vote option and whatever wins majority, well that is what it is. lol

Or just allow the raid leader to decide ML or PL. In LFR it can always be PL. But a guild run could opt for either.

Why is choice so bad?


forced PL in pug groups was working just fine.

because someone had a bad thing happen one time, and the fear is stuck with them even till this day.

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