Master loot should stay dead!

I’m not misinterpreting Ions interview. He said it’s one of the “long term goals” what does long term mean to you? This expainsion, next, the one after that?

Keep on going I am loving this because you people have zero evidence of how master loot was even beneficial to the game or how was it popular and if it was popular than why did they remove it oh wait it wasn’t as popular people thought and it was a abusive and toxic feature and blizzard knew that and that’s why it was removed from the game and that’s why personal loot was the only option it’s the path of least resistance. But please continue with your ignorant comments on thinking that master loot is somehow beneficial and good for the game as a whole without any credible evidence to back up your claims.

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You don’t need to make stuff up.

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I am still waiting for your logic to kick in.

Either Master loot Is bad and no one will ever get in a group with Master Loot, then if it exists or not is not a problem.


You’re wrong and there will be people joining those groups and you are mad because you can’t control yourself what people think and want.

So, what is it?

Is master loot bad and no one wants it in pugs, then there is no problem?


Asmongold can team up with 30+ streamers high end gamers and start collect funding and right people to make it happen.

Prove to me in terms of how master loot was even that good is there 50 good stories or claims that master loot was even good I doubt it. Master loot in general is a toxic system to have in general but if you wanna speak just about guilds I’ve seen and read stories of how people were screwed over by master loot and so yah their is far more of these stories than say any supporting facts and/or positive stories for master loot. Nice try on painting master loot in a good light.

Master loot was great when I was with the same guild for 2 + years, tight knit, loot council.

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Master Loot was fine in guilds where there was no drama.

I prefer it over personal loot because at least with master loot you can trade something if it’s not higher ilvl, gear setup is better for another caster, etc.

If I get a 272 1h caster item, I can’t trade it because ilvl dictates that my previous 1h of 252 is a valid reason for me not being able to trade it to the priest that uses 1h/oh. Yet, I have a weapon of 278.


Not quite, people just don’t care to rock the boat.

There you go. Question answered

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Probly why they changed it in legion.

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Typical lol.

Seems like the issue was with the players and not the system.


I’d be surprised if it was even that high. The GD forums are not a good indicator with their anecdotes of having loot stolen, however these are the sort of things that people remember because they get involved. That 1% might be generous even when applying it to only Mythic guilds. I would warrant that most F/F normal and heroic guilds ran PL because it’s less effort.

That honestly sounds like it was a problem with the DKP system that your guild ran, rather than ML. If your GM and officers were interested in recruiting an additional player who would compete with you on loot it would have been easy enough to set something up or devised a system to fix it. For one, they could reset dkp each tier (which is what we did with EPGP back in WoD) or just leave it for now as it’s likely by the time you have 10k dkp saved up you no longer need the drops so those can go straight to the new recruit.

And if I don’t need that loot, I can decide who I want to give it to without any thought to the benefit of the guild. If it’s a pug, I can sell that loot for profit.

Sounds like you needed to find a new guild then. Players who stay in a guild that uses a loot system that they feel is biased or unfair get no sympathy from me. That’s not a problem with the ML system, it’s a problem with that guild.

In many cases that’s exactly how it works. Some guilds base dkp on kills, while others base it on attendence/effort so that if you spend a whole night wiping on 1 boss without a kill the players aren’t disadvantaged. Those players who actually put in the effort to turn up to nights of hard prog get rewarded by being higher on the priority list than those who skip those nights and only come in for the kills.

Not really. There are enough addons etc that allow you to manage it in game by clicking maybe 1-2 buttons, and companion addons like RCLootcouncil can be tied in so that dkp is reduced if you get an item. Otherwise it’s not really an issue to set up a simple spreadsheet in excel and takes maybe 5-10 minutes after raid to fix it all up.

In retail? Almost all of them have raided with us in some form since MC, and the few who haven’t are RL friends of these people so there’s zero issue. I’m not sure our guild has ever recruited outside of that.

ML exists in both Classic and TBCC. While there’s no official numbers it is accepted that classic has more active raiders than retail. Guess how many threads there are on the classic forums about ML being toxic? The same number as those asking for PL. None. Not one. It’s almost as though it’s not an issue and players are capable of utilising their brains and acting like adults. Is this “proof” that ML is good? No, but it is proof that ML isn’t toxic and should remain in the game for those who want to use it.

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Was all from PUGs, never had a guild do that to me.

This is the only way it should be used if brought back.

Of course its the players, that’s been my whole point as to why ML shouldn’t come back and if it does it won’t last because people don’t know how to act. I will never feel comfortable with someone I don’t trust being in charge of who gets what… plus everyone should have a chance at a drop.

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Believe it or not, I did join a guild exactly like this. They had their own Excel spreadsheet detailing who was going to get what, and in what order. Trials got no loot.

I pugged for two weeks to get whatever gear I could to remain competitive, and when they voiced their concern over my doing that (since it reduced the amount of loot that would drop during guild runs), I left. That was also the last guild I ever joined, and now I pug exclusively to avoid the drama and this sort of bull crap.

It was kinda funny because they poached me from LFG when they were a healer short, and offered me a spot on their roster. I wasn’t made aware of their policies until after I had joined.

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I don’t know why anyone would subject themselves to that…

They’re butthurt for no reason. They expect people to play for them and receive nothing…

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If Blizzard wants to push people away from raiding, they will bring back master looter. Not a good business plan to make less people want to see content, but whatever.