Master loot should stay dead!

No, it means that your saying EXACTLY what everyone knows your going to say. This thread didnt hit 1k replies without at least half of them coming from ML supporters stating “either like it or leave.” Lol.

Find me one single thread from Legion, which would be the:

Where anyone was complaining about reserved loot in pugs.

One single thread from Legion. I bet you can’t.


Some people change chars, the leaders think it’s imperative to gear them, and everyone else gets screwed.

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Sounds like a lot of people want ML back and they should probably give players the freedom to choose what loot system they want to use.

Prolly why Blizzard is bringing it back.

If Blizzard wanted it back, it would be in the game already.


This is obviously false.

Blizzard wants Dragons you can ride around on and a new flying system.

Is that in the game already? Or is it being developed still?

Dragon riding isn’t flying.

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Make your own group.
Put Personal loot.

Everyone will join your run because no one wants Master Loot, right?

Whatever you want to call it, they want it in the game and it isn’t in the game yet…

Just like they decided they want to bring ML back but it’s not in the game yet.

yea they DON’T KNOW how it will return or in what form, conceptual design questions left to ponder.

It’s not returning to the old model of drop rates on items and calling it a day.

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We know enough.

They want to give guilds control back over distribution of loot.

We don’t know all the details, like what percentage of the raid we are going to need to turn ML on or in what forms of content it will be available, but we know it’s coming back for guilds inside the raid instance.

Soon ™.

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If you want to cling to hope that development gets delayed and pushed to the backburner…go for it.

This is your best hope honestly, so its more reasonable for you to cling to this than just repeatedly misinterpret Ion’s interview.

It was a huge problem in WoD and no I won’t search through archives to counter a flawed argument that imply every single wow players are on the forums and are going to express their opinions wether they are negatives or positive.

Majority of player base is silent and will just leave or come back depending on the modifications of the game.

Plus, it fixes a major issue where for exemple, you’d kill a boss and then there’s 3 str 1h weapon that drops and then you realize, nobody in your group actually use that type of weapon since it can only be used by like 3 spec which 2 of them are tanks. Or even mail drops that essentially always go to hunter because shamans are almost never good so they never get a spot in a raid group.

For pugs, controlling gear is absolutely pointless as you will never see any of the group after

Master loot won’t be coming back rather you like it or not if it does it’s another loot system with safeguards but other than that personal loot will be forever favored loot system by the majority. If you think master loot was all good and so popular as people say than why was it removed oh wait it wasn’t good and it was toxic.

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eh, talent trees are coming back, and allegedly, a bad idea the first time around, maybe the second time too.

The talent tree of old was not sustainable same goes for all the systems that people had problem with but the threat of bloat is very real. And this tree will only last 2 or 3 expansions than they need to find some way to replace it or prune the tree by a lot.

yep. But [allegedly] far less borrowed power.

You have no idea of what you are talking about.
No one is asking the return of master loot for pugs, they want for guild runs so they can funnel gear to the main characters during splits.

For pugs, no one will want to run in a Master Loot run, so if you are concerned about that you ever joining a pug and there is master loot, you can simply leave, and make your own run with Personal Loot. Then your problem is resolved.

I heard stories that the original tree had to be pruned constantly due to bloat and that’s why MOP had to do away with it and than when legion, BFA, and Shadowlands rolled around the systems were also unsustainable due to constantly balancing and wasting resources and so they went back and make a tree 2.0 and hope they do it better than the first time.