Master loot should stay dead!

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Lmao we’re gonna get another loot nerf and players are gonna have to like it

Hey quick question: What decade is this from?

Some people need to grow up and stop throwing stuff from 15+ years ago out as proof that there would be no way to overcome the issues of the past, or that if something was bad a long time ago that it will always be bad.

That’s just not how existence works.

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I dunno, Vanilla by the looks of it. But with how looting has changed and all that, I prefer Master Loot and prefer it when in guild runs.

Basically it is an amazingly biased and toxic system… item drops should not be relegated to a single player. No one should be locked out of an item… if it drops, may the best roll win.


You supporters of master loot give me 50 reason as to why it’s somehow the best thing to keep around. If you can’t come up with 50 reason than that’s why blizzard knows to remove a clear toxic system from the game.

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Give me just one valid reason why your input matters.

Looks like a stalemate.


People who don’t raid: creates these threads


Ah yes, the classic, if you have a different opinion than me, you are delusional. what a bold stance.


Are you under some weird impression that human nature isn’t a factor?

I can 100% guarantee you that if ML came back unrestricted, it would be abused exactly like this as much, if not more, than it ever did in Vanilla-Wrath for the simple fact that players can, do, and absolutely will continue to treat everyone as disposable trash because cross realm is a thing and there will always be new blood to come in and it’ll even be done “for the content/lawls”


Join a DKP or a PL guild then when ML comes back.

If master loot comes back I just don’t raid.

ML should not come back, no good reason for it to come back.

Edit: I’m tired of explaining the friend comment having noting to do with the ML comment, so i removed it.


Its dead and its not coming back, a new loot system is being discussed but its not dictatorship loot


What people here abused the system? Please show me all of these people.

Another irrelevant statement as this was never part of the discussion. Literally nowhere was this brought up by me. We all know why it was removed.

You just keep tossing out these strawman arguments that have no bearing on anything being said. Typical of someone who can’t stand when faced with the fact that their narrow viewpoint isn’t shared by everyone.

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So don’t use it. Why do you think it would be the only option? It never was the only option before.

Are they really your friends if you are afraid they will ninja loot and be jerks to each other to the point where you can’t even work out who gets the items on a boss between yourselves without Blizzard holding your hand :thinking:

Sounds like you are raiding with some clowns, my guild would never have an issue with ML.

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Alternately: Require players who want to engage in content with a group that is set to masterlooter consent to and acknowledge that they understand how Master Looter works and that they know what they are signing up for.

It’s not really all that hard.

People are fuming like this is a difficult to grasp idea.


Just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened to others. Lying is a thing too. Just because you’ve never been “sexually harassed” doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen to other people. Or just because you never met a bad person online doesn’t mean their isn’t bad people out there.

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And where is it said to be unrestricted?

Why do people make up these scenarios?

Blizz removed it for a reason. If it comes back, it’ll come back with restrictions.

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It’s 100% dictatorship loot (for people that want it)

Ion just said they don’t want ML to work for trash or world bosses…which whatever yeah that makes sense.

If you don’t like dictatorship loot don’t use it. Some people like it.