Master loot should stay dead!

If you can’t find a PL guild because everyone prefers ML, why should everyone else suffer to make your guild search more convenient?

Again, this is like saying “I’m Catholic but everyone where I live is Muslim, it’s too hard to find a church, let’s make it illegal to not be Catholic”.

Why introduce a method of strife when it doesn’t need to exist?

It’s only a method of strife for you.

For people that prefer ML it’s a breath of fresh air.

You just have a selfish mindset and you can’t comprehend that other people prefer different loot systems.

Bring it back for mythic only and fully guild group


For people that prefer ML it’s a breath of fresh air.

Those people are overdramatic.

You just have a selfish mindset and you can’t comprehend that other people prefer different loot systems.

Just because people want something, doesn’t mean it should be implemented (or should remain.)

Blizzard STILL doesn’t let people fly out of the gate in a new expac.

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Mythic only just screws over heroic and normal guilds for no reason. There are casuals out there that just raid normal and like DKP.

I don’t particularly understand why, but if they like it and they have 100% guild they should be able to use it regardless of how skilled they are at the game.

Well yea, that is the thing. If they get screwed and voice their displeasure then guess what, they ain’t getting anymore gear. The leadership will put a big ol red x next to their name and they might as well change guilds.

That’s a major issue with ML. It’s either sit down, shut up, take what we give u, or leave and join another guild. That’s the entire argument of almost every single ML supporter in here.


Have not heard a single person make this argument.

Any guild that distributes loot unfairly is destined to either die or overthrow their GM and make a new guild.

I have been in one of these type of guilds in vanilla, best friends of Gm got all the loot until they didn’t need the drop anymore.

Yeah, for a reason, people will just spam split raid to funnel gear, over the top boring.

You don’t need to control loot for normal and heroic, they are easy enough that just following mechanics properly will get you to get a kill where as mythic, you may need extra dps

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If you don’t agree with Master Loot…
Leave group.
And make your own group with Personal Loot!

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Then you following the wrong ppl.

Every ML supporter in here has said “either like it or join another guild.”

Besides, who in their right mind would trust a bunch of raging white knighters to disperse gear? Lmfao. That’s like going to a restaurant where your ex works… just isn’t smart.


Personal loot needs to stay. Have a toggle or something that lets you switch between with a raid buff icon showing how loot is set. Let personal loot be freely traded even if it’s an upgrade.

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I love when people say things like

“Put it up or shut up and leave”

“Make your own guild with personal loot”

“Leave guild and find one that benefits you”

You call these strong claims for master loot to comeback oh please these specific speech gives off red flags as to why master loot cannot return. So thanks for furthering on proving my points on why master loot is toxic.


It sounds like the inclusivity Blizzard says the want in the game.

So 15 years ago when it was 17 year old kids running guilds that didn’t know what they were doing?

Yes, because this behavior is correct and if everyone behaved this way bad guilds that abused you for loot could not exist.

Why are you joining guilds led by “raging white knighters”?

Seems like that behavior…


You just proved my point entirely.

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Because you are making a bad point that doesn’t support the argument you think it does.

Last time ML was a thing, every single pug group was ML and the leader would just reserv every single upgrade he could get and would Ninja loot stuff for his friends.

Happenend way too often to a point where it’s like… yeah, I’d rather not raid anymore


Some heroic aspiring mythic guild I was in part as part of CN, week 4 or something decided it was [right] to let three people gear up new characters because sim data came out and theirs came in last. (By that time, the raid’s already over on mythic) and I was silently thinking, I’m definitely not giving up my share.

Think I left the following week, cause it was a huge WTF moment. Loot didn’t drop so no drama over it.

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