Master loot should stay dead!

Your not wrong, I am providing a lot of comedy interacting with idiots who clearly don’t raid but insist on having an opinion on how other people should play the game.

In this case it is.

You desire freedom through limiting the freedom’s of others.

It would also be like saying, “I am Catholic, it sure would be easier for me to find a church if all the churches were Catholic ones. Let’s implement laws that make all other religions illegal”.

Pure selfishness.

because of your incorrect opinions.


You want power over others, that’s why you want ML back.

Personal loot without trade restrictions would be better. (But won’t happen cause game design issues, and potential drama.)


And I’m the comedian?

Glad you finally figured something out.


We have been over this one already.

I am loving this because it goes to show how you defenders of master loot will act and be like and revealing your true colors when in fact you don’t have any strong reasons to back up the claims on why master loot is beneficial for the game and how is it “better” than personal loot in any way.
You defenders make me laugh on trying to paint master loot is all sunshine and rainbow system when it has lots of toxicity that surrounding it and if master loot was so good and so beneficial to the game than why was it remove oh wait because it was problematic system to begin with and blizzard made the right call to remove it from the game.
Defend master loot all you want but everyone knows that it’s a problematic feature and is a toxic feature and also it was a abusive feature so yeah keep on trying to defend it when most people will admit it was toxic.


For information’s sake:

12/14/2020 - Shadowlands Sloot Interview with Ion, where he is asked a question about the ML system:

4/29/2022 - Interview between Ion and Asmongold

What Ion said (paraphrasing, you can listen for yourself) starting around 05:35:08 in the Asmongold interview:

Ion uses the “royal we” to say that they’d like to bring back a version of “group loot”. It is understood that there have been issues with ML and in an ideal world, PL and ML would co-exist. ML would not be reinstated “as was”. If it were brought back, it would need significant reworking and it’s not as easy as some players might think. ML would definitely not be brought back any time soon, as in the next 3 months with the release of Dragonflight, but long-term, its something “we” would like to see return.

Folks have been pretty passionate in this thread.
No where in the interview is it ever said there is a 100% chance ML is coming back.
There are a lot of ifs, ands, and buts that need to be worked out.
Ion personally likes ML and would like to see its return.
If it ever does come back, it would be a long-term goal.
ML will not be returning in the next 3 months and it will not be present in Dragonflight.
ML needs a significant overhaul, many aspects which still need to be thought about and worked out in a “best fit” kind of way for all players.

Cheers. Hope the actual info helps. Have a great weekend!


Master loot makes me feel like my consistency, loyalty, and skill are being considered when distributing loot, and it is a better system for me personally even though I have no desire to be on the council myself because these are qualities I have.

If you are a perpetual guild hopper that doesn’t perform well and often quits mid-tier I can see how you prefer PL. Try to understand how someone like me prefers ML.

You don’t need master loot for that though, some personal loot is tradable, and people usually know where the tradable loot is going to first.

Nice way of saying “I’ve paid off the guild leadership to insure I get gear.” Literally what you just said.

Plus your premise that there is either “loyal” guildies and guild hoppers is incorrect. There is 95% of the community in between there that gets screwed.


ML delivers this better though.

Nobody in any of my guilds ever got screwed. Stop joining bad guilds :raised_hand:

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Yes, ML grants more control but is it worth the cost? Personal loot without restrictions on trading would be ideal, but that’s too much power given to players per boss kill.

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I can only answer for myself, and the answer is yes for me.

If your answer is no that’s perfectly fine, join a PL guild.

If your answer is no that’s perfectly fine, join a PL guild.

And this is where wishful thinking begins again.

Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahaha ooohhh man. That’s funny.

No one? Really? If you truly think that you have drank wayyyyyy too much Kool aide.

Most of the ML supporters can’t read.


Hey, if people don’t vocalize it, they’ll never know!
I think there were two weeks where I would’ve kept tradable loot if it dropped when it [should] be allocated to someone else.

And no, it didn’t drop so why burn bridges unnecessarily?