Master loot should stay dead!

Please hold your breath until they do so :slight_smile:

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ML should be for guild runs only
Everyone should have to actively agree to it before the run, don’t like it leave.

Trials should not be in progress guild runs anyways.
Especially if they are expected to raid for 3 months with no chance of loot.

Trials should only be second alt runs. That way trials can not be taken advantage of.

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Yeah, it says they are interested in bring something like it back but it won’t be ML. It is going to be a long time because they don’t know exactly what to bring back.

Also, with players like yourself on the forums my guess is they change their mind altogether about bringing any change at all.

Thanks for advocating for PL.


Who doesn’t like having more power and control over their own destiny?

You already have control over your share. ML just enables people to control other people’s share.


Bro stop it with this stupid tired line.

EVERYONE trials at some point or another. Guilds don’t last forever.

I’ve had to trial many times. It’s not that big of a deal, and at the end of it, guess what? You aren’t a trial anymore!

If you feel like a perpetual victim where you are always getting rejected when trialing, maybe look in the mirror. All my trials have been 2 weeks of raiding and then being promoted to core raider with some “gratz” and cheers for 2 seconds and that’s that.

Read the title of the article little guy.

Lol huff that copium.

Oh no that’s too much copium. I think you might have overdosed if you think Blizzard reads the GD forums.

Then why he does not do it? There are multiple streamers who could start Blizzard 2.0 and make WoW 2. Good game that they and all who join wants to play that game.

Biggest problem would be facility maintenance and hire competent people who write the code, because they cost 60-100 dollars per hour if you want AAA quality from start. And you need alot of them.

Guilds don’t last forever.

And that’s why ML shouldn’t return.

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says the 221 ilvl lock that doesnt raid AT ALL facepalm

Why? I am agreeing with you that guild runs should be ML
Why are you so worried about the trial aspect of it. If trials don’t matter and aren’t important to main guild team why should they even be in the progress run.

Or are they really there to funnel loot?

I already did but you didn’t little guy.

I guess you didn’t understand the article.

You have a copium issue obviously.

New idea: People choose their own raid contribution percentage (1% to 100%) Game modifies how much loot they should get. (And this is invisible.)
If everyone sets theirs to 1% and the raid leader has theirs at 100%, they should get all the loot. (Most of the time.)

Among Us part 2. and how RNG is “unfair.” Hehehehe.

Not do what? Sponsor a raiding team?

Probably because it’s a lot of work and it’s not really profitable unless you are like a graphics card company or something where you can really use the advertising to hit your target audience.

No there aren’t.

To put this in perspective, the budget for GTA 5 was something like $265M. Asmongold has money but he doesn’t have WoW 2.0 money.

Sponsoring a WoW guild is much, much cheaper.

ML shouldn’t return because every few years you might have to take a couple weeks to trial and you don’t want to potentially miss out on a piece of loot during this 2 week window?

Seems shortsighted lol.

They usually aren’t.


This is the little guy Mogbow comedy show.


ML shouldn’t return because every few years you might have to take a couple weeks to trial and you don’t want to potentially miss out on a piece of loot during this 2 week window?

Seems shortsighted lol.

I doubt most people remain in multiple guilds for at least two years.

Now I value freedom not needing to settle over ML for guild efficiency.

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This would actually be a really cool loot system that I bet some guild would use somewhere if ML was enabled.

You wouldn’t vote for yourself though, you would vote on everyone except yourself and the game obviously wouldn’t be able to weigh your loot, you would just have like a google doc or something that calculated everyone’s total contribution and then when a piece of loot dropped everyone says whether or not they want the piece, and then you give it to whoever has the most points of the people that wanted it.

This would inevitably be a toxic drama filled popularity contest, but it would be fascinating at the same time, and I would rather live in a world where meme guilds are free to make meme loot systems like this one.

This is just selfishness then.

As I said earlier. I prefer Pepsi to Coke, but I don’t demand Coke be banned so that all restaurants are forced to serve Pepsi and it will be easier for me to find my preferred soft drink, because I am a self aware human being that realizes the universe does not revolve around me personally.

No, desiring freedom isn’t selfish.