Master loot should stay dead!

ML is being put back in the game? Haven’t heard that yet. If Blizzard does this, I bet it comes with major changes.

It’s diluting my experience, and it’s not fair at all.

As we have already established, a lot goes into organizing and making a raid happen, and not every person in that raid put in equal time and effort. Giving every single person equal chance at loot when they did not put in equal time and effort is the very definition of unfairness.

Asmongoloidballs want’s to control the loot so his underlings will ensure he gets it all free because of his streamer status.


Master loot? No thanks. I did the whole dkp thing in vanilla. Ninja looting yeah no thanks. Personal loot is fine my loot I decide what to do with it.


Master loot is a tool.

People are toxic.

Don’t limit a tool.

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nuclear weapons are just a tool.
People can do bad things.
Don’t limit nuclear weapons.

I [should] be using the term guns here cause it’s more common.


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Yea, you want the game to give you more power than you currently have. /Sad.

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Bro Asmongold’s streamer status is legit so ridiculously enormous at this point, he could make his own company to sponsor teams, buy out Liquid Gaming, make them change their name to Neckbeard Gaming, and then make all the world first raiders carry him if he actually felt like it.

The fact that you are using nuclear weapons to make a point about a system in a video game shows me that you have judgement issues

The comparison is apt though.

“Long term goal” is code word for not going to happen but we want complainers to shut-up.

Like I said, if ML comes back, it’s likely to have major changes.


Bad comparison.

A weapon like a nuke or a gun only really has 1 purpose. This is why it is illegal to own nukes as a regular citizen and you need to register to own a firearm.

A better comparison would be a hammer. You can use a hammer to murder someone, should hammers be illegal?

ML is a tool that can be used for good or bad. Have some personal responsibility and find a guild that will use it for good.

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OK! Now I understand where you are coming from.

Sorry, this doesn’t fit Blizzard’s new inclusivity agenda.

If society can make hammers that accomplish their goals and don’t have the potential to cause harm to other people, should this endeavor be pursued?

Why is this sad?

Who doesn’t like having more power and control over their own destiny?

I don’t want power over other people, I’ve no interest on participating in a loot council, I just prefer feeling like my Loyalty, Consistency, and Skill are being taken into consideration and I am being rewarded for these qualities because these are qualities I posses.

If you are a guild hopping trash player who often quits mid-tier, I completely understand why you would prefer PL, as it would just be objectively better for you.

Try to understand why a consistent loyal good player would prefer ML.


Apparently it does, because they are bringing it back.

No, they are not. I guess you can’t read either.