Master loot should stay dead!

Yeah…as in they would have to join the guild and there would be a 3 month waiting period before they could start their trial. Like we just wouldn’t bring them to anything at all. They wouldn’t even be considered a trial until their 3 months was up and they were eligible to raid while participating in the guild’s loot system, whatever it may be.

This is not the same thing as denying trials loot, this would be Blizzard forcing guilds to bench their trials until these players were eligible to raid under ML rules. Your reading comprehension is poor.

Depends on how good of a player the old guard is. We have some old guard that have been around forever and have gone have casual and are just kinda there to be a fill-in if needed. These people are absolutely NOT priority.

Other old guard who still show up week in and week out will likely be prioritized yeah.

the longest guild I was in was for 2 years, and the other times of remaining with guilds can be attributed to apathy.
Searching for “perfection” makes you guild hop quite often, then eventually you probably settle somewhere along the line.

He is saying ML shouldn’t exist because it has the potential for abuse. I was pointing out that with freedom always comes the potential for abuse.

If we had no chat and couldn’t communicate with each other, like in Hearthstone, there would be less abuse. Should we delete chat then?

By your logic we should just shut down the WoW servers to be ultra 100% sure that nobody is ever abused in Azeroth again.

But ML is not freedom. It’s authoritarianism


ML is 100% freedom. You don’t have to have an authority, you can use a plethora of systems, such as DKP.

One person has the authority to decide who gets all the loot.


This is a major red flag. I would personally cap trials at two weeks, and frankly, you can get a decent feel for someone in one week provided you raid more than once per reset. More than a month is just a guild’s way of abusing said trial.

you go back. you slow it down… its 100% “and the team does”

Do you just have a dartboard of answers that you throw at? spin the wheel?

mad respect, lots of people would never.


ML is enabling freedom to become authoritarian.

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What about loot councils with like 4 people deciding?

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Some people, like myself, prefer an authoritarian human making decisions about loot as opposed to just robotic RNG.

Glad we are now on the same page.

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People can choose to share power, they don’t have to.

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And people can choose what guild they want to raid with.

Have some personal responsibility, stop joining bad guilds and then crying for Blizzard to dilute everyone else’s experience so you can have your safe space back.

It’s childish.


LOL that’s quite a stretch there. ML was removed for a reason, it’s authoritarian rule over who gets loot was abused. It’s as simple as that

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And that person only gets that power via agreement of the group being there. Don’t like it, don’t trust them, shady history, etc., then don’t support the group. If the person repeatedly abuses the power, the group will quickly fall apart and few will return week after week. Blatant abuse falls apart mid-run, and never starts again. It’s that painfully simple.

And this is all ignoring that Master Loot is never really one person arbitrarily deciding who gets loot, there’s a multitude of methods that Master Loot simply enables.

By this logic ML is being re-implemented for a reason, and therefore you must just accept that Blizzard has a reason therefore they are right.

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It’s not diluting people’s experiences, it’s forced “fairness.” (should it be forced?)

Tell that to Asmon and many others, it’s not true they just get more trials. Off server or otherwise. It’s not like everyone knows every guild with certainty, among many other factors. You can end up going for a guild, and they don’t say how long the trial runs are or basically vague it “Trials usually 2 weeks” as you said. Then they can go “Ahh well maybe another week…” Or don’t give an answer, or it doesn’t work out and woop you have to go find another guild again, and repeat. Which means you can get through entire tiers without getting where you need to be, and it gets harder to be ‘caught up’ to look like a good prospect.

In terms of game design should Blizzard favor systems which provide an avenue for abuse when they could use ones without such an element?

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