Master loot should stay dead!

They’re arguing that trials shouldn’t get loot because they ‘didn’t put as much effort into getting the boss down’ as others.

So, that can technically apply to main raiders, alts, and more not ‘deserving’ the loot because they were not there for X amount of wipes.

Basically, longer term members get loot prio making it so people that come in for new tiers or ‘go find a better guild’ or simply left the game, came back, transferred, guild died, etc definitely don’t.

Most normal, heroic guilds, and early Mythic guilds are not very adept at reading logs correctly so how does one determine Skill? Comparative DPS to the raid team, pink/orange parses only?

If you’ve read this thread, quite a few people admitted trials don’t get loot at all and trialing can last a month+.

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We aren’t arguing who deserves the loot.

We are merely arguing that not every single raid member contributed equal time and effort in the first place.

If all members did not contribute equal time and effort, you can hopefully see why some people prefer a loot system that enables them to put a human in charge of evaluating each person’s time and effort to try and do a better job of awarding loot than pure RNG.

You can have the opinion that you don’t think humans do a good job at this, and raidleaders can be corrupt…which sure, but respect the fact that other people have the opinion that they prefer an imperfect human evaluating people’s contribution as opposed to RNGesus.

Ugly way of saying, guild leader and best friends get all the loot until they don’t need it any more.


First of all…LOL who trials people for 3 months? This is hilariously bad guild management.

Second of all, why would any trial agree to this?

Stories like this are like when Preach does his “Drama Time” series on YouTube. Like yeah if we go back 15 years we have some pretty ridiculous and funny tales, but you can’t just assume every guild is being led by the Onyxia Wipe Animation guy after he speedballed gunpowder.

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That would be a pretty terrible loot system lol.

I hope nobody ever joins your guild.

That’s the problem with Master Loot, it can be abused.

What I don’t like about the current RNG loot system is the inability to trade loot you don’t want and can’t because it’s slightly higher than I’m currently using. There should be no restrictions on trading loot.

There are pros can cons to each system, personally I prefer the RNG system with it’s admitted flaws.

PS: DKP systems are a pain to administrate.

Who is? Nobody is saying this, we are saying that they shouldn’t get the same amount of loot as someone who put in more effort.

You keep trying to use this strawman. Just because we think trials should not be given equivalent loot to the core raider who has been around for 5 years and shows up every night doesn’t mean we think the trial should be given NOTHING.

Keep up.

Correct. Even officers and GM’s.

Our GM used to always last prio himself for loot because he was a healer and he would sit on bosses when we had to drop a healer and just raidlead from outside the raid and so he figured items on his character would have the least impact.

Nobody is above being evaluated. If an officer is a healer or a tank for example, they are going to be behind a regular member if that regular member is a DPS.

I hated master loot, especially when DKP was a thing lots of guilds used. There were a few experiences in BC that caused me to almost quit the game when I was a new player.


With freedom comes the freedom to make mistakes. Should we delete the chat box because people can type mean things?

Join a PL guild then. There will be plenty of them, more than before even, because a lot of guilds have been using PL for a few years now and won’t be bothered to switch back.

Agreed, another example of how guilds require individuals to dedicate their time and energy to organize the guild.


It only takes a few to ruin things for everyone else, people abusing ML is part of the reason they got rid of it in the first place. If Blizzard decides to bring ML back then the TOS should be updated to prohibit specific examples of abuse and lay out punishments that abusers would face.

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DKP is admittedly pretty suck, and it died pretty hard long before ML was removed.

Still, some people for whatever reason love DKP, and I’m not here to tell them how to enjoy the game.

No, but people who type “mean things” can and do receive suspensions when they cross certain lines.

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I don’t think any single person would have a problem with this.

I know you are REALLY struggling to comprehend this, but we don’t want ML back so we can abuse trials lol.

Less freedom and more authoritarian.

How does saying mean things in chat have to do with ML?

Once I found a fun guild in Wotlk, it was smooth sailing and fair. Guild leader looted, the players that could use the gear rolled out of 100. I kinda enjoyed the rolling/gambling aspect, but oh well. I get why people prefer personal loot.

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Post 133 says they shouldn’t be getting loot. You’ve also stated that if they put in a thing for Guild members needing to be in the guild for 3 months to get Master Loot you’d sit the trial for 3 months so :3

Also post 186 said first 2-4 weeks no loot.

Basically, the ‘old guard’ are of course first priority as you admit here and essentially anyone else that joined later, or can’t make every raid takes lower priority. Who’s most likely to be the oldest members in the guild? Friends, most likely.

Takey our own advice, but since you want to go that route I’ll use a forum function. :3

Guilds like that are just an urban legend, though. You might as well argue that as a society we should be training our police to battle sasquatches and mothmen.

So do ninja looters. It was never considered acceptable behavior.

I remember in WoD, whenever I pugged on my alts I would make the raidleader whisper me the loot rules beforehand so if he changed his mind midway through the raid I could report and he would be suspended and the item deleted. Unfortunately the GM’s wouldn’t give the item to someone else, they would just delete it…but still at least the ninja got a ban and didn’t get to keep it.

YOU don’t, and your guild doesn’t, but there are always people out there looking for ways to take advantage of others for their own personal gain. If people like that didn’t exist then I wouldn’t need to have an app on my phone to auto decline all the scam calls I get asking me to sign up for bogus home and auto warranties.


‘Good’ guilds that keep all their raiders, no clique, and appropriately use ML always is an urban legend in itself honestly. How many people in your raiding rosters have been there for 5+ years?

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