Master loot should stay dead!

Then don’t invite them, and 19 man it.

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Or we won’t invite them and 20-man it.

You think Mythic raiding teams have just 20 people? Because they don’t.

The extent that you guys have zero clue how raiding works these days is astonishing.

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Or we won’t invite them and 20-man it.

Guilds don’t invite unneeded people anyway. (Usually.) Loot distribution method doesn’t have much to do with that.

Either needed now, or in the near future.

Then you are just flat out misinformed. Plenty of time and effort goes in behind the scenes outside of raid over the course of many weeks in order to make a guild function and score boss kills.

Nobody does this. Just because the mage that spent 300 pulls progging the boss and has been waiting for a specific trinket gets awarded this item doesn’t mean the trial is “barred from loot”.

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We have 29 raiders on our team. If a new person wants to join us (and new people want to, every day and every week) and comes to try out on a boss we already have on farm, no, we don’t need them, they aren’t necessary, and they didn’t help with progression. Even if we bring them.

“But they helped kill the boss.” No, they really didn’t.

And you know what? They understand that. Even if you don’t.


Good on you for running a charity.

No, I was giving my OPINION.

If your opinion is that Mage who was there for 300 pulls and got the first kill, and Mage who came on just the 301st pull and 2nd kill, put in equal effort, then your opinion strikes me as pretty silly.

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So they get to AFK for the boss fights and what not? No? Ah, curious that.

If your DPS % is over a certain threshold, or your HPS/Overhealing is too high do you cut out some of your DPS/Healers from getting loot too because ‘you didn’t need them to get that kill’?

This is why ML shouldn’t come back, people like you always find a justification to not give someone loot, and so many people string trials along for month+ of lockouts.

If someone in your guild is only there for a quarter of your progression times but is your best DPS, do they also get put into the ‘no loot’ category because they were not there for ‘a lot of the progression’? That’s what you threw out for your trial stuff anyways.


Having relistened it several times, i can see how this issue came about. It’s actually not clear if he says does or doesn’t, but it’s most likely the case he says “does.”

I issue Mongbow a full public apology. I was wrong, I’m sorry, and you were right.
I’ll be leaving the comment up so people can hurl eggs as my penance.


Oh my this is still going on

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It’s not a matter of opinion as to whether or not people’s time and effort outside of raid is worthwhile.

it just is.

Saying that people who dedicate hours on end organizing your guild roster so that you have a smooth functioning team week in and week out to raid with put in the “same effort” as someone who just raidlogs is objectively false.

It’s like having the opinion the Earth is flat. Cool…but you’re wrong.

Why do you want Master Loot? What are it’s advantages?


Is that a serious question? Because it allows organized groups to decide where loot goes, rather than it be RNG and at times untradable, making it a dead drop.

Yes is was a serious question. So some members of the raid don’t deserve loot, the the raid leaders best friends do?

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There is no such thing as a ‘no loot’ category unless you are in the worst imaginable cesspool guild.

To answer your question, every person in the raid is pretty much evaluated for 3 categories when considering loot:

1.) Consistency. Does this person show up to raid every week?
2.) Loyalty. Do you think they are going to be around for the long haul?
3.) Skill. How good are you at the game, how well do you perform in raid.

If we ranked each category out of 10 the trial you described would have the following score:

Consistency - 5/10 (assuming they have made all their trial raids)
Loyalty - 1/10
Skill - 10/10

For an overall score of 16/30.

Obviously not every council handles things the same. This arbitrary score system I just made up as an example hopefully demonstrates how trials still get loot, they just aren’t going to get the trinket the guild has been waiting forever to drop over the guy that is just as skilled and has made every raid for the past 5 years.

I like feeling like my loyalty, consistency, and skill are being taken into consideration when items are being passed out, because those are qualities I have.

Everyone deserves loot, and everyone eventually receives the loot.

This is the beauty of organized raiding with the same roster every week.

We are just talking about what order people get it in.

Disingenuous strawmans.

That is a physically verifiable fact (that the Earth is round), who does and does not deserve loot in a given situation is a philosophical question that different people can and will have different opinions on.

It’s not something that affects me personally though, the raid team I was in before (everyone else quit WoW last year due to the Blizzard scandal) was cross-server so ML wouldn’t have been an option anyway (as for “behind the scenes” stuff, we all brought our own food, flasks, potions, etc, and were expected to research new mechanics ahead of time), it just aggravates me every time I see screenshots of chat logs from someone was told they wouldn’t be eligible for any loot until their trial period was finished in 2-3 months.

Wait what’s happening, this is illegal on the WoW GD forums.

Honestly tho the first time I listened I was like “wait what?” and went back and listened 5 times or so too. He does kinda mumble it and I can see how you heard “doesn’t” if we are taking our gloves off and being reasonable people.

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