Master loot should stay dead!

It is fairly obvious to see whose going to benefit more for having ML back.

“…but my team does not.”
Proceeded by all the issues and difficulties of ML and how they need to reinvent it before it can come back.
-Ion Hazzikostas, April 27, 2022
:woozy_face: I swear y’all never watch or read stuff.


He actually said “and the team does”
YOU learn to read. Instead of asking for handouts from raid groups, you could properly cite!!

It only sounds like he said that the team doesn’t because his mic cut out.

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And when it comes back and all is well in wow again, these no good pl people will go play hello kitty island!

Yes, ME!! The PLAYER!!

I agree, personal looting system improvements and call it a day

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I’m glad its coming back… Been advocating it for years. Its a great tool for guilds that actually work together and get along.


The history is irrelevant, both contributed to this specific kill so both deserve an equal chance at loot from it.

Me too, and when people realize that hierarchies and certain ways of doing things are better for everyone, then we are all better off, including rewarding those who DESERVE to be rewarded


Not how it works in guilds.

Lots of work going into killing a boss over the course of many days or even weeks in and out of raid.

You are thinking of pug raiding, which ML will not be available for.

LOL this guy actually has copium in his ears.

The quote was.

“What if I told you I kinda of do want ML back? …and the team does”

Go back and listen, you will be sad.

Ion was not throwing his entire team under the bus in front of 100k people c’mon bruh.

He clearly said a thing, realized it made him sound arrogant like his opinion was all that mattered and added a caveat to include his team as a reminder that he respects their opinion and is not just making decisions alone.

You sir, have copium overdosed if you legit heard him whisper something else.

Premade finder should have an indicator if a group is using Master Loot
Once someone joins your party that isn’t flagged as using Master Loot you can’t change the loot system TO Master Loot
Now no one can sneak master loot on you, you willingly joined a party knowing it was being used. So if you don’t like Master Loot, don’t join those parties, ggez.

When ML comes back it will be guild only, so every group in the premade group finder will still be PL. You are correct in your concern, but this won’t be an issue.

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The salt from the anti-ML crowd is the best part of the ion interview.

They really thought it was gone forever.


That works too :slight_smile:

Yeah they made it 80% guild requirement in Legion, so it will be at least that, and probably 100% eventually.

I raided with a friend’s guild to help them out from time to time that was one of those crappy mythic guilds that has to pug people during prog on some nights because their attendance was so spotty.

They always had at least 80% guild, but on nights where they had to bring even 1 pug they just flipped it to PL and called it a day because otherwise nobody is signing up to join the raid and honestly this is more fair.

So I wouldn’t be concerned even if it’s 80%, but it will probably just be full 100% guild only when it comes back because let’s be real here, making it 80% is just enabling sales.

Lol and this is the guild you wanna join? Why? Or is this just a hypothetical worst case scenario of red flags to avoid when choosing a guild?

False, when a new person comes on a boss that the guild has already been progging on and killing, the new person wasn’t necessary, they were just there.

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No, I’m referring to all raids, though not necessarily progression. Once a raid has been full cleared once then in future runs anyone who contributed to a particular kill should, in my opinion, have an equal chance at getting loot from it. Barring new people and “trials” from obtaining loot at that point serves no purpose except to artificially suppress their performance improvement while also increasing the gap between them and the raid members who keep getting loot funneled to them.