Master loot should stay dead!

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Doesn’t raid


I’ve read it n I stand by it
When it happens, I’ll do just like I said and put the loot where it belongs, not given to some trial player

and if it happens, enjoy it while it lasts… because people like yourself are going to ruin it for the actual good people.

At least you know you’re the definition of nepotism and inferiority complex.

can you define nepotism without using a dictionary, google, bing, or any other search engine?

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Nothin ruined
If they don’t like my guild they can leave
I don’t even need to resort to calling you a commie or a gen z unicorn loving hippie
I know I’ve won this argument

Don’t worry man, I’ll be here for the giant “I told you so”


You don’t even believe that.

So you think nepotism is worse in America because some rich people can give their relatives cushy non-jobs with high pay, at a company you don’t even have to work for, while in the USSR it does that AND might also determine whether or not your family gets to eat this month (loot opportunity) when you’re determined to be an underperformer (BAD PLEYER kekw) at your assigned career (mandatory attendance) that you don’t get to change (loot lockout).


you promote physically bullying people. Good to know.

Ahh yes, hit people until they do what you want.

What was that about control?


wut. items from boss don’t work this way. You can’t use items as a direct compensation analogy because only 1/5th of the raid gets one. boss drops are the bonus in the current system.

the raiding scene in wow is closer to a meritocracy than the current US is.

I absolutely can. Opportunities are a form of compensation (see: stock options), and in the case of boss drops, the primary form. Of course you’re hitting on another thing that makes the economy in MMOs suck, and that’s artificial scarcity, which is also highly anti-consumer and speaks to the publisher feeling entitled to repeat sub fees instead of having to earn them.

There is no reason the boss can’t just drop an item for everyone in attendance since even now loot tables are still large enough that, with bad RNG one might not see the item they are after for months of continuous kills. Indeed, our DH tank has been trying incessantly to get an S3 Blood Spattered Scale for two months already, and there isn’t even a lockout in M+.

What if I told you that PL creates artificial scarcity?

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I don’t think you could make a compelling argument for that, since Master Loot allows items that are for armor types you don’t even have in attendance. So even if PL hands out useless loot, it’s still better.

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Sir, this is the WoW forum.

The mental gymnastics people are willing to do to deny other players the option to use ml is gold medal worthy.

It’s crazier that pro-master looters can’t come up with a single good reason for ML.

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Mmmm… PL cooking the books based on raid comp cuts both ways, though.

Even though we cleared Sanctum every week the entire tier, we never saw an Agility polearm drop, since I was the only person in the raid team that had a loot spec for it. (Survival Hunter wasn’t quite in vogue, yet.) Fortunately as a Brewmaster I dual-wield, but if I had still been playing by bear tank, I would have gone the entire tier without a weapon upgrade, simply because of how PL adjusts the loot tables.

PL also loads you up with worthless rings, cloaks, and necks (since they’re on everybody’s loot tables) that quickly get DE’d/vendored after 2 or 3 weeks. It’s really stupid. If you want a tank trinket, though, you’re pretty screwed.

I feel really bad for Priests this tier, with that Anduin ring that only drops for Priests being BiS.

Why would anyone be against raid teams having control over their loot? I always just didn’t join pugs that were using ML and never ran into loot issues over 12 yrs of playing 🤷

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Oh really?

For each item that drops in PL, the game has to make 2 rolls. 1st, it rolls a player to receive an item, then it rolls what item to give them. Now, not every item is on the loot table for every player. Using Sylvanas and Edge of night as an example, is only on the rogue loot table. but the ring is on the loot table for every player in the raid.

For Edge of night to drop, the game 1st has to roll that a rogue is going to get the drop (often a 1 or 2 out of 20 chance), then It has to roll edge of night out of the 4 items that a rogue can get (belt, chest, ring, dagger). If we assume 2 rogues, Edge of Night has about a 1/40 or 2.5% chance to drop. with 1 rogue, the drop rate is would be 1.25% or 1/80.

For the ring to drop, the 1st roll almost doesn’t matter. Everyone is able to loot the ring. Average size of the sylvanas loot table across all specs is approximately 4 (2 cloth, 1 agi dagger, 1 bow, 1 hunter cape, 2 plate, 2 leather, 1 mail, ring, str trinket, and shield). Running with this, the ring has about a 25% chance to drop. If I add up the loot table for the exact comp my guild killed sylv with, the ring has just over a 30% chance to drop.

PL makes certain items artificially rarer drops than ML does (under ML, the drop rate for both items should be 1/12).


You think this can’t happen with Master Loot? It took us five months to get Deathwing to cough up a sngle Gurthalak. He sure loved dropping multiple completely worthless agility daggers, though.

Schadenfreude. They get off on raid teams being unhappy.

Same reason so many people in General Discussion were in favor of the covenant restrictions, before Shadowlands released. They were quite up front about how much they loved that it screwed raiders and M+ players.

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That’s just bad luck (especially since Deathwing’s loot table was so small). Agility polearm not dropping, that’s by design.