Master loot should stay dead!

That’s not how it works. Every spec has a different priority on different items. It makes no sense to give the xymox neck or guardian ring to a fire mage, so the hunters have higher prio on those items. It’s all about who the item is the biggest upgrade for. So as other players start getting closer to bis, the upgrades for them start getting smaller and you’ll jump up the priority. You don’t give it to a player who it’s a 20 DPS upgrade for, but bis over a player who gets 100 DPS from the same item, even if it’s not bis.

They haven’t earned because they haven’t put in the same hard work as players who were before them.
Just like how we don’t pay bottom of the totem pole, minimum wage workers, the same rate as managers - they haven’t proved themselves.
If you ask me, they don’t even deserve to have mythic chest loot but that’s my opinion.

OMFG. Master Loot is literally Communism. Totalitarian communism, at that. You don’t even know what words mean.

Sure, you can dress it up like Meritocracy, but at the end of the day, the Party (the guild) determines your worth and the dictator (the raid leader) decides your fate. Those aren’t free market values.

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In a free market, you can work hard, stay loyal, and build reputation to get more.
In communism, you can’t.
So yeah, pl is more

You just destroyed your own terrible point… I put the same work they did in. Why do they deserve it over me? I put the work in, I was part of the raid… your logic is absolutely insane.

Again your logic is insanity. This isn’t real life… I’ve earned the same rights to at least roll for an item that I can use and would be an upgrade. I don’t care if someone gets the item over me, just give me a fair shake at it… and I can tell you’ve never run a team or if you did, it wasn’t for long.

I didn’t ask. I think people like you live a fantasy in your head where everyone and everything works for YOU and YOU are the end-all-be-all of this fantasy world. AKA MASSIVE EGO.

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No you didn’t, you didn’t work for your loot.
I do have my own team, both in and outside of the game. They all work for ME.
I tell them WHAT TO DO. Where to stand? What strats.
You wanna cry about how other people who practiced that boss more and are more loyal to the team deserve loot and you don’t? TOO BAD. I bet your cried on Wall Street too back in the day. Telling the wealthy to pay back your student loans.

So tanking for a raid, isn’t putting the world in? Learning the raid… isn’t putting work in. Your first line of text proves you are insane.

I am the VP of IT at the hospital I work at…

Proof of ego and lies.

Without proof. CSB.

So did I? You are the one saying I didn’t…

Nope, I work, paid off my student loans… also helped pay for my sister’s loans, am currently saving up money to help put my niece through college. I also don’t think you are anyone who should be allowed to give advice… you’re just another trash person pushing their ideals onto others.

Exactly, because you get screwed by nepotism. So it’s exactly like Master Loot.


NOPE it’s not putting the work in, not the same as others.either way I’ll get what I want and take the loot and do with it as I please.
If I wanna give it to my wife or my BFF or my favourite raider of the month, I will.
Cuz that’s my loot too.
It’s not “ideal” it’s how things work, buddy!

Nepotism is rampant in America today.
Hire and pay their family within their own business, you think this is a problem? Why shouldn’t I be able to hire and pay my wife more than joe schmoe that I don’t know

Putting work in? Something I doubt you know about.

You have none of the above. It’s not your loot though.

It’s not though. It’s how your little mental fantasy world works.

You are actually been one of the more entertaining trolls. I love seeing how genuinely nuts you are… :rofl:

You are literally the definition of nepotism when it comes to raid leading.

PL is one of the most communist things in this game. There is no proletariat or bourgeoisie under that system. Only players.

ML isn’t one thing by itself, but it allows for many things (some good, some less good)

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I ain’t Trollin, look at what ion said. ITSA Comin back!
And I will do what I want with MY loot again

Tell yourself whatever you need to tell yourself… I don’t even think the other trolls can disagree on this one.

You’re unhinged. How old are you and how many times have you been beaten up for how you act? (don’t lie and say never, it’s at least 20-30 times)

Yeah resort to attacks on my character, how I know I won this argument.
You pl pushers won’t get your way forever

Nepotism is far worse in a Communist country, because you can’t just go work a different job (reuse your weekly loot lockout). You can literally be denied a loaf of bread by the Commissar after working your knuckles to the bone (chance at gear after killing a boss).

I mean, he literally said that both he and the team want to bring it, or something like it, back.

how very 1890s of you.

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I mean, have you read the stuff you’ve written?

No one does. Just look at ML, y’all abused it and got it taken away.

So it was over 30 times? That’s crazy… crazier that you didn’t learn that the way you act is unacceptable.

Ok, you’re just throwing around a buzzword without understanding what it really is.

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If you’ve been reading his responses, he’s literally nepotism in human form plus a clear inferiority complex.