Master loot should stay dead!

to you maybe. but there exist players who are not you who play wow.

Min-maxing is kind of important.

Some of us got unlucky and had a long string of Loot Dictators who meted out gear based on petty reasons.

Yea, but should it be? ( per gear)

Culture now is like everyone sims either before raid or during raid when loot drops… then resims stuff again cause everything is relative to one another.

Sometimes I think just having PVE power and calling it a day would be [better.]

When people only focus on min-maxing and focusing of charts and meters and all of that they are literally killing themselves of any type of enjoyment. And guess what min-maxing also breeds toxic behavior rather you like it or not but that’s fact.

Meters are important for diagnosing failure.

Without them, the game would be worse. Far harder to see what went wrong.

that’s probably why OP doesn’t like them.

Unlike your type of people I don’t min-max and use third party sites to help me play the game I only read up on talents otherwise the figure the rest on my own. Also, what kind of benefit does min-maxing bring towards the game does it benefit the majority of the player base or it doesn’t? I bet in my humble point of view it doesn’t benefit the game it only creates more friction between all players. And I bet that the game has people that hates those who bring their min-maxing mentality into the game. And to think those kind of people doesn’t exist would be willfully ignorant.

There is nothing wrong with min-maxing, There is things wrong with ML and not because of what it does in a positive way but what it can do in a negative way.

Most people Min Max to a minor or medium degree by following guides.

You don’t need to min-max if your end game is heroic dungeons in LFD and maybe stumbling into an LFR. You don’t even need to be at the keyboard to complete that content.

Mythic raiding or +20s on the other hand…

It’s not helpful for someone who does not do organized raiding to offer opinions on a system that would exclusively impact players who do.

I don’t raid, but my husband was pretty hardcore about raiding. He always told me that the gear that the guild get is not his gear. It is the guilds gear. Without them, he would not have it.

It seems that way of thinking has died with the old guard.

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Guess what mythic raiders and those that runs plus 15 and higher keys are very small minority I don’t know what percentage but I doubt it’s 95% of the player base who does those content. Also, I have the right to voice my concerns and my views in terms of these abusive and toxic systems like master loot and toxic mentality like min-maxing.

If you hate how I see things than please mute this thread and find the threads that supports your views.

It’s not as small as you think.

Same for Heroic dungeons and LFR.

yes, I also have the right to say that you have an uninformed opinion on the topic of ML, and that informed opinions are more valuable in a serious discussion.

We do not need more echo chambers. spending too much time in your personal echo chamber is not healthy.

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People who min-max focus on play probably more than everyone else.

because how you have fun is correct, and how others have fun is wrong.

I give you… THE WHEEL

gonna back that up with anything? or just a wild guess?

I bet the game has more people that just don’t care what other gamers do, and just do their own thing.

that’s a pretty toxic and unhealthy statement to make.


It happened on me before. They gave all the goodies to this one player. The guild treat him like a god of dps. And then later, he left WoW for good. We could have divided his loots fairly. It really happened.

And it happened on me again on another expansion, they gave all the goodies to this one player. Then later he left our guild and joined a better guild. Really? Are you gonna let this happen?

We need fair loots. Personal Loot is fine. Continue to ban ML.

That way of thinking was never healthy, Because that line of thinking can easily devolve into

“So it’s the guilds gear but it’s so much more beneficial for us to gear up players 1,5,9,10,14,8,20 Before you so you’ll not see anything for months but we expect you to be 100% competitive and maybe you can have the dregs after”

Personal progression is just as important.

You can have fair loot and bring back the utility that ML had at the time without the negative consequences.

I’m not for banning ML, It was never banned it was removed, I’m for bringing PL up to a standard that it still protects people while allowing better utility, Utility that is sorely missed.

Not really. It’s still about the guild, the problem is the GM, RL and the concept of assigned gear drops instead of being… “Hey, you were a part of this raid and you can roll for any gear you can use for your main spec.” That is why PL is favored. The old guard wants that back, because they ruined it for themselves in the first place. They shouldn’t get it back because they don’t know how to act or treat people. I’m saying it’s all RL or GMs… but PL really isn’t something that can be exploited.

Let’s not forget exploitation of trial players.

tell me you didn’t watch the RWF without saying that…

It’s not exploitation. It’s earning trust and loot within that guild.
People these days have no concept of what it means to earn things, they want instant gratification.

You again?

Oh it’s exploitation, you can say whatever you want…

How have I not earned a shot at the item? I was part of the raid, was I not? I put in the time to learn the fight, I either tanked, healed or dps’d… what makes me not viable for a fair shot at an item? I’m not asking for the item to be given to me… I just want a chance to be able to get the item.