Master loot should stay dead!

Lol this guy is like the poster child for uninformed loud wrong anti-ML rhetoric.

Bro people didn’t even know what ilvl was until WoTLK.

Nowadays people will sim every single item that drops.

You are just flat out wrong lol.

? I even knew in BC and I’m a casual back then.

Not hard to see that one item is stronger than another.

The addon for gearscore didn’t exist until 3.3.5.

How did you determine the ilvl of your gear in BC?

If you were just going off mainstat you were doing it wrong. Most everybody was doing it wrong back then though.

You don’t need ILVL to judge one item vs another.

Blizzard just “replaced” gearscore by revealing ilvl.

If you were just going off mainstat you were doing it wrong. Most everybody was doing it wrong back then though.

Think spellpower stacking caught on for casters by then (and most useful gear came with it.)

Vanilla was all about pointless mainstat worth like 0 dps. lmao.

Sure, what did you use to sim then? Because ilvl is not always an upgrade either.

Addons like AtlasLoot would display it, but it wasn’t shown in the base game yet.

Sims weren’t around then if I recall correctly. Theory crafting was just centered around slower weapon speed = good.

The point remains, most people weren’t simming back then. Nowadays people dig deeper and go in depth to determine more exact DPS gains on every item.

Exactly. People take loot more seriously now.

Raiding has pretty much gotten more advanced and organized in every way possible. Why wouldn’t it?

Sims have been around a long time.

Rawr, for instance.

People were more serious about loot back then cause it was the [only] reason to raid.

This was not NEARLY as common as raidbots is now.

Only the world first guilds ran sims and took loot seriously back then, now everyone does it.

Anyone who tells you that loot is the only reason to raid is full of it.

The people that are min/max - ing are destroying and tarnishing their own enjoyment of the game in general even ion stated these kind of behavior is degenerate.

There was certainly more drama because loot councils made more mistakes.

Nah, it was my motivation back then. Arguable for most people too.

BC had some catch up.

WOTLK even more.

Mists had resets.

Who are you to tell me how to play? My entire enjoyment of this game comes from min maxing my char to see how far I can push my limits.

If min maxing didn’t exist I would get no enjoyment and play a game where it did.


Min-maxing gear is boring. Rather focus on play than simcraft.

Someone who thinks that their opinion about the way to have fun is the only valid one.