Master loot should stay dead!

If the raid is an 80% guild run, that guild is the host you are a guest. By going to their party, you accept their rules. If you do not like the hosts rules, you are free to leave the party.

I’ve never seen any toxicity from master loot.

Maybe that’s because I’ve always played with reasonable adults.


it’s not seen as toxic because it’s seen as the norm instead. Like trials X weeks without loot.

everyone is doing it, so it’s fine.

At least, the world seems to have moved on from the DKP craze.

ok then they can search for one that wont use it

I have never heard of anyone doing this. What a stupid rule…what crap guilds are you people joining?

Now see, master loot banned = a lot of guild options.
Master loot present = very few guild options.

whatever recruited back in the day. Their ads said so, around the BC era. Not joined, just read ads.

You mean guilds that advertised in trade chat?


Rule #1: NEVER join a guild that advertises in trade chat.

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a few aotcs from mop? no CEs?

Realm forums were the go-to then. Some guilds double-dip.

Guilds spamming trade are less likely to have a meticulous loot system.

Yeah…we get it.

I prefer Pepsi to Coke. It would be fantastic for me personally if Coke didn’t exist so it was easier for me to find Pepsi and no restaurants had Coke.

Do I think that Coke should be banned because the universe revolves around me?


Actually CE was brought in on the final raid tier of MoP because that’s when they introduced ‘mythic’ as a raiding difficulty, And I have that one.

well, if you want to do anything beyond normal to early heroic.

Guilds have gotten a LOT more sophisticated and better managed than they were over a decade ago.

Less focus on loot management. More focus on progression and weakauras cause fight complexity increased dramatically.

Besides, back in BC, what are weakauras?

Was a simpler time back then.

Are you serious? Do you have any idea the sheer amount of spreadsheets and sims that go into loot distribution?

This is inaccurate in 2 ways. CE was added at the start of mop along with ahead of the curve, and Siege was converted from 10/25 H to 20 M with warlords pre-patch.

Not on that account you don’t.

Was called Power Auras back then.

yeah, but you’re explaining DPS things to a healer.

Loot was front and center back then with guilds dedicating pages to DKP or EP/GP.