Master loot should stay dead!

They shouldn’t be in the raid if they are putting in 0 Effort, It’s not like you don’t notice this within the first moment if you choose to keep them then they clearly have put in enough effort.

on a note since a guild is about a collective that improves over time, slighting people over loot because they died to [insert mechanic] on a kill isn’t productive.

Hmm… tough call really. Okay, will accept ML if they made BM S-tier and Mage F-tier

Bro if you legit raided in a guild of handicapped people and you wrote software for all of them to be able to raid and I was on the loot council I would shower you with gear as a reward and a way of saying thank you for all the time you spent.

If you are in a guild where nobody else uses your software though…nobody cares.

Regardless of who it is, that person is putting in extra time and effort to enable the guild to function.

Mine was easy. I app’d to like 5 guilds, did my interviews, 3 of them wanted me, I picked the best fit.

Maybe it’s your personality? I certainly find you unpleasant and wouldn’t want to play video games with you every night.

Idk man I’m not the one getting lobbed from guilds stuck in trial purgatory because I can’t get along with my guildmates.

I agree. We never did this.

You are the one arguing for ML over PLNR because you want control, I havn’t been lobbed from anything, I havn’t touched a raid since the end of Nathria because i’ve little interest in it.

You’ve shown you want control rather than a healthy environment, You want control so you can leverage it over other people, At the end of the day you are the Axe.

By your own statement of reward = effort, I have put more effort and time into the game from one project alone than you have your entire raiding carreer therefor I am far more worthy of loot than you are.

It depends on the mechanic, and the exact situation. If it’s obvious that they were completely oblivious that mechanic was happening in the 1st place, that’s different from someone’s 1st time on a boss and not knowing exactly what to do with mechanic

Allow me to point you to Burning Crusade Classic…

why are guildless people complaining about ML? in legion pugs were personal loot only and ML for guilds.

You can be forced into ML by being a pug if 80% of the team is guild, An instant 1 way ticket to NEVER getting loot.

Some people are temporarily guildless because they’re searching for one.

Correct. Control > RNG


No, for me having control is a healthier environment. If you disagree feel free to raid with a PL guild.

Nope. I have no interest in distribution of loot, I just want control over myself.

There’s guilds who would be toxic using PLNR just like there’s guilds who use ML without creating toxicity. Sweeping generalizations don’t make your view any better than anyone elses.

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Except PLNR has control over yourself?

How is it Typical? I’ve a list of acheivements greater than yours in the raiding world, When did you do top 20 in your region?

And again, your efforts would be rewarded if you were raiding with a bunch of people using your software.

If not…well then it has no benefit to other people in the guild and is no different than the effort I put in mowing my lawn.

And if you see that this is happening, you are free to leave the group.

Choice without choice. It’s like allowing people to use Discord vs banning it.


You’ve moved the goal posts so many times it’s hilarious your argument has lost all of it’s weight at this point

It doesn’t change the fact that you are ugly on the inside but atleast you’ve finally shown everyone that part so there is no doubts, You only ever wanted leverage.


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Even more typical. “Back in my day I was amazing and raided better than you!”

You defenders of master loot are so blinded and choose to ignore all the toxicity that the system brings. And I love that you people paint personal loot as a bad system when it has more safeguards in place and many players supports it and many doesn’t seem to support master loot that’s because they all know it’s literally a toxic system that didn’t benefit anyone. So nice try on trying to paint master loot as a good system.

I’ve actually been quite consistent that I want no part in any loot council and just want control over my own self. I like feeling like my consistency, loyalty, and skill is being rewarded because those are qualities I have. That has always been my position.

Your inability to comprehend this does not = shifting the goalposts, but good try.