Master loot should stay dead!

How do you not understand that the trial put time and effort in? Oh right… You can’t.

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That’s totally fine. If people agree they want to use PL they can do so.

But not equal time and effort.

Oh you’re talking to Mong… he’s been here for days actin a fool. He’s never been able to make a point… if you want a laugh and have time, earlier in the thread is some comedy gold from this guy.

Last I checked I’ve spent hundreds of hours writing software that allows me to keep playing with a disability, Your Programmer? Spent 1 day on a weak aura

Hundreds of hours lets level it out 100 hundred hours is at minimum 4 days and change.

Wanna redo your math on equal time and effort?

I can’t tell you what he is because that would be a gross violation of the forum rules, What I can say is that people like them are the reason why ML should never return.

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Sometimes more, sometimes less. So a trial should get all loot, maybe?

People who downgrade their progression are so much stronger relative to their peers (arguably, not doing it for loot.)

Should they get all the gear?

What if they bring it back in a patch where BM is S-tier?

Lol you keep describing time and effort put into your own personal UI. You just don’t get it.

Forget about the UI because it seems to be melting your brain.

The raidleader has to interview applicants, organize the roster, and juggle a bench to ensure you have geared reserves that are getting enough playtime to keep everyone happy.

This is a TON of work, and without it there wouldn’t be any loot for anyone, so no you didn’t put the same amount of time or effort in as everyone else.

Lol I haven’t even been mean to you, you’re just salty because you know deep down I’m right and it frustrates you that I keep forcing you to defend a nonsensical position so you are lashing out.

Grow up.

being a guild alone doesn’t imply all the effort.

Hell, some guilds randomly invite me because I didn’t have a guild on that char, and they apparently raid.

Of course, I question WHY someone would join a guild with “autoinvites” and actually do meaningful content.

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A trial should get appropriate loot for their time and effort. Not all trials are equal.

No 1 person should ever get “all the loot” as this would hinder progression for everyone and be illogical.

No 1 person puts in “all the effort”.

Raiding is a team activity and each team member…including trials puts in varying amounts of time and effort.

ML enables guilds to award each person appropriately.

You keep trying to strawman my arguments with low effort hyperbole. If thats all you have left :ok_hand:

ML also enables guilds to award loot unjustly. If I’m content with my guild, sure favor ML, but if I’m still in the searching phase, rather personal loot forced on all in the game.

Given guilds tend not to last forever, think personal loot provides people with much more freedom.

My own personal ui? we havn’t even gotten into that, WE are just talking about the control mechanism out of the game, The software that i Share with hundreds of other people so they can keep raiding, I do more for the community than you do than your vaunted raid leader does, We havn’t even gotten to my personal UI or the effort we are as I said just talking about the control mechanism.

There is a ton of work that goes into getting alternative control inputs working with the game for myself and the many others out there like me, Not to mention cost associated with it.

Rosters? That takes 5 minutes to do on a spreadsheet

Interview applicants? Typically not your raid leader that does it’s usually an officer and on larger teams they actually have someone dedicated to that and only that.

There is a ton of work for a trial to get ready, First they have to organize their own logs, Present an argument why they are there, Nail the interview, Do their best not to slight someone in the most minor of ways but people are cliquey

Then they have to perform on stage infront of a crew of probably 30 people and make sure they get nothing wrong because there is going to be someone picking that apart down to the micro second.

Each according to their station - Karl Marx

A Trial should get equal Loot to everyone else they are part of the team like it or not.

Don’t need to be mean you have shown your true nature and it’s ugly.

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With freedom comes freedom to make mistakes.

Rather selfish of you. It is typically the toxic guild hoppers that want forced PL though. It does undeniably benefit them.

I can take 2 weeks of having to endure a bit less loot while I trial with a new guild every 5 years or so in exchange for a better gameplay experience overall.

so does PL.

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PL doesn’t though? Everyone gets their own loot. You just don’t get to dictate where someone else’s loot goes.

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Making up stuff I see.

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Is it just that someone who puts in 0 effort gets an item over someone who was carrying the group?

boot people from the raid if you don’t want them to have loot.